Discussion Forums  >  Crashes, Memory Warnings

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Tony @ Buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 528
Reg: Mar 05, 2011
Saint Louis, Mi...
04/30/12 07:22 PM (12 years ago)

Android running errors! What do you think?

Ok about 2 months ago the one and only GoNorthWest helped me launch my very first Android app from BT. "By the way GNW is a BT genius", back to the issues. I got several issues for users right away when the app first launched telling me that parts of the app would not load. I started with a tabbed layout and had over 25 menu item so i switched to a button layout to keep the app from having to load all the screen menus and images at start up which seemed to fix the start up force close errors I was receiving. Since the launch I have received an error here and there, but this past few weeks it is over and over again. Here are a few errors I am receiving listed below. I want to figure out a solution to these issues. The most recent user tells me that half the app is working and half the screens don't. Then I have a buddy that has the Droid app and tells me that everything works great. I don't have much hair left but i might go bald when I pull the rest out! All my IOS app runs like a champ! No issues. Why? Why? Apr 28, 2012 7:06:00 AM1.1cannot open any part of this app please work out the money bugs Apr 27, 2012 7:12:54 PM1.1cannot open any part of this app please work out the money bugs Apr 27, 2012 7:06:29 AM1.1cannot open any part of this app please work out the money bugs Mar 25, 2012 11:25:46 PM1.1I am using a brand new Droid Bionic. I can not get into the standings. It says my device is not attached to a screen. it says that across my screen. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException in com.nascar411v20 Crash Exception class android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException Source method ViewRoot.setView() Show user messages Platforms OTHER 3 reports/week 7 reports Stack traces v1.1 Apr 28, 2012 7:06:00 AM 3 reports/week 3 reports android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@4a4f69b8 is not valid; is your activity running? at android.view.ViewRoot.setView(ViewRoot.java:505) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:177) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:91) at android.view.Window$LocalWindowManager.addView(Window.java:424) at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:241) at com.nascar411v20.BT_activity_base.showAlertFromClass(BT_activity_base.java:303) at com.nascar411v20.BT_screen_menuList$4.onItemClick(BT_screen_menuList.java:691) at android.widget.AdapterView.performItemClick(AdapterView.java:284) at android.widget.ListView.performItemClick(ListView.java:3688) at android.widget.AbsListView$PerformClick.run(AbsListView.java:1812) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:587) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4627) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:858) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616) at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) v1.1 Apr 22, 2012 1:01:57 PM 0 reports/week 1 reports android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@44aebe68 is not valid; is your activity running? at android.view.ViewRoot.setView(ViewRoot.java:509) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:177) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:91) at android.view.Window$LocalWindowManager.addView(Window.java:424) at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:241) at com.nascar411v20.BT_activity_base.showAlertFromClass(BT_activity_base.java:303) at com.nascar411v20.BT_screen_menuList$4.onItemClick(BT_screen_menuList.java:691) at android.widget.AdapterView.performItemClick(AdapterView.java:284) at android.widget.ListView.performItemClick(ListView.java:3382) at android.widget.AbsListView$PerformClick.run(AbsListView.java:1696) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:587) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:143) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4914) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:858) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616) at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) v1.1 Mar 25, 2012 11:25:46 PM 0 reports/week 1 reports android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@40acb9c0 is not valid; is your activity running? at android.view.ViewRoot.setView(ViewRoot.java:549) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:177) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:91) at android.view.Window$LocalWindowManager.addView(Window.java:424) at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:243) at com.nascar411v20.BT_activity_base.showAlertFromClass(BT_activity_base.java:303) at com.nascar411v20.BT_screen_menuList$4.onItemClick(BT_screen_menuList.java:691) at android.widget.AdapterView.performItemClick(AdapterView.java:290) at android.widget.ListView.performItemClick(ListView.java:3602) at android.widget.AbsListView$PerformClick.run(AbsListView.java:1838) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:587) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3821) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:839) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:597) at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) v1.1 Mar 25, 2012 3:28:30 PM 0 reports/week 1 reports android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@40972718 is not valid; is your activity running? at android.view.ViewRoot.setView(ViewRoot.java:532) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:177) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:91) at android.view.Window$LocalWindowManager.addView(Window.java:424) at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:241) at com.nascar411v20.BT_activity_base.showAlertFromClass(BT_activity_base.java:303) at com.nascar411v20.BT_screen_menuList$4.onItemClick(BT_screen_menuList.java:691) at android.widget.AdapterView.performItemClick(AdapterView.java:284) at android.widget.ListView.performItemClick(ListView.java:3778) at android.widget.AbsListView$PerformClick.run(AbsListView.java:1942) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:587) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3688) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:842) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:600) at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) v1.1 Mar 25, 2012 2:11:10 PM 0 reports/week 1 reports android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@414216b8 is not valid; is your activity running? at android.view.ViewRoot.setView(ViewRoot.java:562) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:177) at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:91) at android.view.Window$LocalWindowManager.addView(Window.java:433) at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:265) at com.nascar411v20.BT_activity_base.showAlertFromClass(BT_activity_base.java:303) at com.nascar411v20.BT_screen_menuList$4.onItemClick(BT_screen_menuList.java:691) at android.widget.AdapterView.performItemClick(AdapterView.java:284) at android.widget.ListView.performItemClick(ListView.java:3569) at android.widget.AbsListView$PerformClick.run(AbsListView.java:1831) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:587) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:150) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4293) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:839) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:597) at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) I started to re-build the app in 2.0 but stopped because I got have to much in V1.5 to do it quick plus 95 of my users are in IOS. Thanks any help or guidance would be great. Tony "Magic Man"
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
04/30/12 09:27 PM (12 years ago)
Hey Tony, Android is such a pain in the butt! I'm half tempted to never develop another app for Android until they make it work better! The problem, I think, revolves around the many different versions of Android that people are running, along with the many different hardware platforms. It surprises me that it works at all sometimes! Wish I had an answer for you, my man! Gonna keep watching this post to hopefully learn the solution. Mark
Aspiring developer
Posts: 469
Reg: Jan 10, 2012
Orange County, ...
04/30/12 09:37 PM (12 years ago)
Do you think the number of menu items caused the problem? I'm creating an app (IOS and android)with about a dozen menu items. Now I'm worried, maybe I should forget about android with v1.5.
Paul Rogers
Android Fan
Posts: 2524
Reg: May 30, 2011
05/01/12 04:42 AM (12 years ago)
This looks like it could be a bug/oversight in the android code itself: http://dimitar.me/android-displaying-dialogs-from-background-threads/ http://daniel-codes.blogspot.co.uk/2009/12/activities-and-dialogs.html and many others... I've seen a few fixes suggested, maybe a fix could be added to BT core to prevent it if google aren't going to do anything.

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