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Apple Fan
Posts: 30
Reg: Jun 21, 2012
Taylorville, IL
07/12/12 09:11 AM (12 years ago)

Using both Tabbed & Non-Tabbed?

Is it possible to use a "non-tabbed" layout for the home screen and link to a menu that uses a tabbed screen? Example: Home screen has three buttons: Login, E-Editions, Freebies After logging in, user clicks E-Editions. That screen is a menu that displays two buttons: current edition & previous edition. Can i make that screen tabbed, but leave the others as non-tabbed?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
07/12/12 10:16 AM (12 years ago)
Hi, That's not something you can currently do, and something that I think would be non-standard anyway. The tabbed view is for the app as a whole, and not on a per-screen basis. I think it might distract from the general flow of the app. In any event...not something that's available at the moment. Either gotta start with a home screen, or a tabbed view! Mark
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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07/12/12 11:25 AM (12 years ago)
Interesting question. But it shows a lack of understanding of tabbed layout and home screen in Buzztouch. Tabbed layout is simply the ability of having more than one home screen. So "the home screen has three buttons" presumes one home screen, hence not a tabbed layout with multiple (up to 5) home screens. Tabbed layout as used in Buzztouch don't apply to the entire app. To understand this simply link from a menu item/button to a screen you've used in an app with a tabbed layout and you'll see there's no tabs. Then you continue " That screen is a menu that displays two buttons: current edition & previous edition. Can i make that screen tabbed, but leave the others as non-tabbed?" You don't make a screen "tabbed". The tabs are allowing you to select one home screen or another home screen. To add tabs to a individual screen you could use a html doc that has tabs, but as far as the device and the apps is concerned it's the same screen. Users may think their switching screens but they're not. (No need to tell them otherwise.) So if you can use html screens (depends on what you're trying to accomplish) then the solution would be: 1. to use a non-tabbed layout homescreen (fancy way of saying just use one home screen), 2. Home screen takes you to the login screen (Buzztouch's login screen can not be used as a home screen) 3. menu screen that displays two buttons: current edition & previous edition 4. Each button would take you to a html screen that's tabbed or not, but the tabs are part of the html, not a home screen selection. Or Now if you were very clever you would have two home screens, therefore tabbed, when user opens the app the app would automatically take the user to a non-home screen (your login screen). Effectively the non-home screen becomes a home screen. But you'll need some excellent coding skills to accomplish this. Fred
Apple Fan
Posts: 30
Reg: Jun 21, 2012
Taylorville, IL
07/12/12 01:49 PM (12 years ago)
Thanks for the schooling on the tabbed vs non-tabbed layout, Fred. I've been able to make it look the way i wished without much difficulty. I was indeed attempting to use something in a way it was not mean to be used. Here are a few screenshots of what I have so far, if you're interested.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
07/12/12 02:15 PM (12 years ago)
Nice. Fred

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