Discussion Forums  >  Status Bar, Navigation Bar

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 22
Reg: Jul 20, 2011
06/30/12 06:01 PM (12 years ago)

Home Screen Navigation Bar turns the wrong color

I am working on an app that has different color Navigation Bars for different sections of the app. The app starts with a menu button home screen. When I choose a menu button it takes me to a menu list. The menu lists have different color navigation bars than the menu button home screen does. When I select an item from the menu list and then back out to the menu button screen, the navigation bar on the menu button screen is whatever color the navigation bar is on the menu list screen that I just came from instead of the original color. Has anyone else experienced this? How did you correct the issue? Screen--------------------Navigation bar color Menu Buttons Blue to Menu List Brown to HTML Screen Brown When I go Back HTML Screen Brown to Menu List Brown to Menu Buttons Brown(Instead of Blue)

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