Discussion Forums  >  WebViews and HTML for Mobile

Replies: 2    Views: 67

Apple Fan
Posts: 51
Reg: Jun 14, 2011
Rowlett, TX
02/10/13 01:44 PM (11 years ago)

How about page caching?

Not sure this is the subforum for this question, but here goes: My app simply displays a jquery mobile page from a remote server. Very simple. However, that page will often be updated (daily). How do I assure that when the app is opened, the latest version of that page will be retrieved from the server? Will <meta> no-cache headers added to the page <head> help in this regard? Thanks!
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/10/13 01:47 PM (11 years ago)
I'll tell you this: It can be easily done, it's built in. All it takes is to look. (Snoop in any plugin under 'document behavior') Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 51
Reg: Jun 14, 2011
Rowlett, TX
02/10/13 02:26 PM (11 years ago)
Yeah, I see the no-cache option under the remote URL page options. Just didn't see this before! Thanks, Perry

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