Discussion Forums  >  Plugins, Customizing, Source Code

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 1
Reg: Sep 13, 2014
Tel Aviv
09/30/14 12:00 PM (9 years ago)

How to define the specific functions in customized plugins?

I'm new arround here and just figuring out how this whole business works, and so far, so good :) My question is about defining the functions in the customised plugins which I create. I've taken the BT learning path and have followed the steps of the "Creating a Plugin with the Control Panel" lesson. I chose the themes, the layouts, the background, etc. However, so far it all concludes in an appearance, whereas I'm looking for the functional components I'm interested in including, such as data entering, linking to calendar (choosing a date) and a calculator. How do I do that? Is it something I'm supposed to learn and do later, in the ios/android learning path, while loading the plugins? Thank you in advance!

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