Discussion Forums  >  App Store Approvals, Thank You's

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 33
Reg: Dec 31, 2012
Colorado Spring...
01/03/14 06:29 AM (10 years ago)

Is it always this nervewracking?

Thought I'd share my morning FB post with the forum: Submitted my first app to the iTunes app store. Apple makes it such a huge ordeal. Google is like, you have app? yes yes, please let us have it. Apple is like, YOU HAVE APP! YOU PLEAZINK BE FILLINK OUT ALL THESE FORMS! SIG HEIL! Question to you all that have done this a few times, does it get easier waiting for that reviewer to finish nitpicking your app, or is it always like your standing at the border crossing, wondering if they're gonna pull out guns and sick dogs on you? Also, I just became aware of the need to get a contract to sell apps with Apple. From what I've glanced at on stackoverflow, this can take a few days to a few weeks to get approved. Does anyone have any feedback on how long it took for their contract with apple to get approved?
Apple Fan
Posts: 352
Reg: Nov 05, 2011
Rhode Island
01/03/14 08:25 AM (10 years ago)
Hi Theien, Congratulations on your submission of your first app. That's definitely a huge success in many ways. Unfortunately, the apple review process never gets any easier. The more times you submit an app, the faster you fly through the whole setup process to upload your binary. I've had an app approved as fast as 3 days and waited for almost a month and a half. Been through 9 rejections for one app to eventually getting approved. I'm still not even sure to this day what the reviewers will accept/reject. In regards to the contracts to SELL apps, it states that is should take up to 24 hours but if I remember correctly, I waited about 3 days. It's not that big of a deal for some.. Again, Congrats on the success and be sure to post your link once approved!
Code is Art
Posts: 1025
Reg: Jun 07, 2012
01/03/14 06:20 PM (10 years ago)
Best thing to do is start another project while your waiting on apple to review your app. Keep your mind off the review process. There are a few of us in the Colorado if you ever wanted to get together for a Buzztouch meetup.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 33
Reg: Dec 31, 2012
Colorado Spring...
01/03/14 07:32 PM (10 years ago)
Thanks, I already have two other projects I'm working on, hoping to get one done this weekend. I've tried to meet with chris1 but apparently he is a busy man with all those plugins lol. I'm out of state this month for work unfortunately.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
01/06/14 07:28 PM (10 years ago)
Maybe I'm lucky, but here's what I find. I've never had a rejection. Once I thought I should have got a rejection, but it was accepted. For new apps going through, you are put in a different queue from the updates. For me, the longest review time for a new app was 8 days. That was one and a half years ago. Since the , they have for much quicker. My most recent new app review took 5 days. Updates almost never get rejected, and their review times are much much faster. Once I got reviewed and accepted in under 4 hours after submitting. This is rare though. It usually takes about 2-4 days for app updates, with me.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 33
Reg: Dec 31, 2012
Colorado Spring...
01/06/14 08:09 PM (10 years ago)
Cool that's good to know. I'm going on day 4 now. Keeping my mind off it by working on an Android app :)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 33
Reg: Dec 31, 2012
Colorado Spring...
01/08/14 04:46 PM (10 years ago)
My app went into review status at 4:16pm, at 5:26pm it was ready for sale! Thank you all for your support! This app was developed for my business networking group in Colorado Springs. PM me if you'd like a promo code. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pepnet-11/id791519165?ls=1&mt=8

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