Discussion Forums  >  Maps, Device Location, Tracking

Replies: 2    Views: 97

Code is Art
Posts: 91
Reg: Oct 27, 2011
12/05/12 03:34 PM (11 years ago)

Multiple locations on map with URL-action - URL not working in BT 2.0

Hi, I have a strange issue. I used Stobes little program to convert a file with Lat/Long plus URL information from CSV to a JSON file which in BT 1.5 ended up in showing several locations on a map. Each location could be clicked upon and the user would be let to a website with more information. Now, I wanted to make an updated version and turned to BT 2.0 and everything shows up nicely on the map, but when the "blue-arrow" action button is pressed, only a white screen appears. I use the same JSON file as from BT 1.5. I have copied the needed files/directories into Xcode as described in the enclosed instructions pdf, but I maybe doing something wrong. Could someone direct me to where to find the error? Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Kristian, Copenhagen.
Rad Doc
Apple Fan
Posts: 653
Reg: Oct 08, 2010
12/06/12 10:52 AM (11 years ago)
@Kristian, I would check Stobes website to see if there has been an update to the .exe program. I know i purchased the list menu program and there was an update for 2.0 apps. Heres his site. www.devdepot.com
Code is Art
Posts: 91
Reg: Oct 27, 2011
12/09/12 05:36 AM (11 years ago)
Stupid me, I should have checked that of course!. Big thanks, Rad Doc - I am pretty sure this has caused the error. kind regards, kristian

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