Discussion Forums  >  Images, Documents, File Locations

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I hate code!
Posts: 14
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
05/21/13 07:57 AM (11 years ago)

Images disappear when I run the app in the iPhone

Hi there, I have my app almost finished, and ready for testing. Everything worked perfectly in the ios simulator, but now I wanted to make a final check before sending it to the app store, and to my surprise, the images are not loading. When I first tried it, the html docs were not loading, so I transferred them to Xcode and put them into BT_Docs folder, then the docs started loading properly, but the images were the problem. I put them into BT_Images folder with the same result. There were no images at all, layout buttons were not working, pictures from the docs either, and even the images from circleview menues didn't work. I changed the location of the layout button images to BT_Layout folder, and now they work. But the other two problems still remain. I've tried to move the pictures that are to appear in the html docs to BT_Docs folder, but they still don't load. The references for the pictures in html code are like this: <img style="width: 700px; height: 527px;" alt="" src="ejerA.jpg"> On the matter of circleview menu, there are only two files, the background and a little icon that goes on the left of each row. I've tried to move these two files to almost all the folders in the project with no result. Could anyone help me out?
I hate code!
Posts: 14
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
05/21/13 08:35 AM (11 years ago)
Got everything solved. I really don't understand why it is solved now, but what I did is to erase the previous project, download it again from Buzztouch and then arrange everything in the proper folders before adding them into Xcode. Once I had everything in it's place, I added the missing folders and now everything works perfect.

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