Discussion Forums  >  Images, Documents, File Locations

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Apple Fan
Posts: 42
Reg: Sep 17, 2012
06/07/13 05:54 PM (11 years ago)

Moving from Iso to Android....can I simply rename all the images with lowercase letters in buzz touch?

Hi everyone, I've published my iso app (thanks to you for the help with that), and now I'm working on moving my app to android. I've encountered a problem where I have to rename all my image files, which were stored on buzz touch, with a lower case letter. If I make these changes in buzz touch images, will it effect my iso app? Is there an easy way to do this without changing any image file names in buzz touch....ie change it on my computer (which didn't work so far...maybe I'm doing it wrong). Any help would be great Thanks Min
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
06/07/13 06:19 PM (11 years ago)
For the future, keep all of your resource names in lower case, with no leading numbers. Easier for all platforms that way. (BadFilename.png, 13adFilename.png, goodFilename.png goodFilename2.png) A lot of BT'ers tend to create duplicate apps; one for iOS, one for Android. This allows them to use various 'platform specific' plugins with the apps without undue configuration issues. That said, if you want to keep one BT App for both platforms, it can be done. However Buzztouch doesn't actually host images per se; they allow you to upload images and those are really only used for filename references. So I'm not sure if your images are embedded with your app, or online somewhere and downloaded to the app. The safe cure would be to place all of your images online, with the 'final' filename. Then go through your BT Control panel and change the URL for those images to the new location/filename. The user will need to download the images once; then they'll be cached for local use after that. Or you can release an update to your iOS app with new image filenames... If there are more specifics, that might change your options, but with what I can see, that is what is available to you... Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 42
Reg: Sep 17, 2012
06/07/13 06:27 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks a million Smug, I think the best way would be to copy the app and have 2 platforms one for apple and one for android. I'll remember the naming rules for the next one ;) Any idea how to copy the app? Min
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
06/07/13 06:30 PM (11 years ago)
Well, that's the hard part for the moment. If you're self hosted, there is the free 'Smug Screen Copy' utility Mr. David and I put together (available at Buzztouchmods.com), which allows users to copy screens (not menus) from app to app. However, if you're hosted with BT, you'll have to do it by hand. Nab a copy of your config.txt file, and recreate it screen by screen. Wish there was an easier way. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
06/08/13 07:32 AM (11 years ago)
Hi @acuteone, I echo everything @SmugWimp wrote about the 2 platforms. If you need any assistace with Android, please don't hesitate to ask me. LA

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