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Android Fan
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Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
05/13/14 07:19 AM (10 years ago)

Is Buzztouch Becoming iOS(Only) App Maker?

Hi BT Founder(s) and Everyone! When I first found BuzzTouch on Google Search Engine and joined as a paid member, it says "Buzztouch | FREE iOS and Android App Maker" but today BuzzTouch is almost becoming "Buzztouch | FREE iOS App Maker". I think making the BT Plugin Market free only favors the iOS (app/plugin) Developers at the moment which is not just fair for the android guys at the moment. I have been here and waiting for about 6 months now and have not done anything serious because of lack of android plugins, choosing to develop only android apps in BT should not be a disadvantage and its high time BuzzTouch and its Founder(s) justified its name on Google Search- "Buzztouch | FREE iOS and Android App Maker" I don't care about the price of a plugin as long as it looks polished, professional, and easy to set up, if an android plugin costs $100 and meet my need, I will buy it straight away. My only concern is that the Founder(s) and Plugin Developers at BuzzTouch should not forget Android Plugins and Android Guys altogether the way they have done right now. Sincerely, Kennedy
Code is Art
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Reg: May 07, 2014
05/13/14 07:31 AM (10 years ago)
I was wondering the same thing and received the following response from @SmugWimp: "I hate to break the news to you, but Android and iOS are different operating systems. If a developer releases an iOS and not Android (or visa-versa, but primarily it's iOS over Android) it's probably because they know how to code in iOS, and not Java. They're not 'exactly' the same, and it can be a rather interesting challenge to accomodate both. I know this. I'd love to see more Android love, but I understand completely why there isn't. Don't complain to the iOS plugin builders because they don't do Android, complain to Google about making Android tools mimic those available in iOS."
Calypso Kid
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Upstate New Yor...
05/13/14 07:36 AM (10 years ago)
I think the lack of Android plugins speaks for the difficulty of building apps for all of the different size devices. You blame Buzztouch for the lack of Android plugins but it is not Buzztouch that creates the plugins. For the most part , it is regular Buzztouch users that are creating plugins. The simple solution is to build some nice Android plugins yourself and put them in the market. I really want to build my apps for Android but to me its way more difficult to get an app just right because there are a million different devices to build for and I don't have all of those devices to test on. Sure I could use a bunch of different simulators but what a pain in the neck. Dave
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Johannesburg, S...
05/13/14 07:56 AM (10 years ago)
Not to even speak of the nightmare of working in Eclipse! I have an Android App built on Buzztouch ready but just cannot get it to work in Eclipse. And even then I won't be able to charge for it because the Playstore does not make provision for payments to developers in certain countries, including South Africa.
Red Dog
buzztouch Evangelist
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Southern Califo...
05/13/14 08:08 AM (10 years ago)
Current Android plugins: Custom HTML / Text Sp YouTube Login Screen App Rater Device Info Send Email CP Stream Excel Doc Share via Email Contact Card Notepad Feature Allow GPS Word Doc Launch Native App Send SMS (Text Message) Call Us share via SMS (Text Message) Random Splash Blank Screen JSON Snippet Keeper LA Audio Notes AT53 Video Player Flickr Images HTML Doc Side Menu Advert Splash Custom URL Parse Push Channel Subscriber Menu Image Advanced QR Reader Android RSS Interactive Quiz Menu Simple Smugs Message Location PDF Doc Vertical Scroller Power Point Doc Email Image Splash Screen Location Map Advanced Search Search Menu Pie Chart Smug Climate Smug Concentration Animated Circle Menu Light Droid Art Droid Beautiful Login Menu Buttons Easy Forms HTML Pro Timer Smugs Location Menu Chat Advanced Quiz Menu with Image Smugs Android HTML CircleView List Menu
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
05/13/14 08:25 AM (10 years ago)
"...The simple solution is to build some nice Android plugins yourself and put them in the market..." Really? @Calypso Kid, if the founder(s) and top plugin developers at BuzzTouch find it very difficult to make android plugins, how do you suppose an Aspiring developer like me will be able to "build some nice Android plugins"?
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
05/13/14 08:29 AM (10 years ago)
Thanks @Red Dog I have all of those, I suppose you should have listed Current iOS plugins also.
Red Dog
buzztouch Evangelist
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Reg: Jun 16, 2011
Southern Califo...
05/13/14 08:50 AM (10 years ago)
There are 2 iOS plugins for every Android plugin. That is true. I would bet there are at least twice as many iOS developers here than Android developers. If you know any Android developers please invite them to join The founder(s) created the platform and it DOES support Android app creation. The members (you included) can create plugins and place them in the market if you want to. If there is a type of plugin that you would like to see in the market for Android, I would suggest that you start a post asking if anyone would be interested in creating it. You might just get what you are wanting.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
05/13/14 09:06 AM (10 years ago)
I think it's a very rare developer that can code fluently in both Objective C (iOS) and Java (Android). So, people pick one and get proficient in that. I don't know either, and have started to learn Java for the explicit purpose of trying to create Android plugins, despite that fact that I don't like the OS in general. But I do see a hole there, and would love to fill it (especially if people are willing to pay $100 for a plugin!). Buzztouch is absolutely still for both iOS and Android, and there are many, many plugins to choose for both. As more developers find there way to BT, you'll see the number of plugins available for both platforms continue to rise. But, with the fragmentation in the Android OS market, and the difficulty in creating plugins for all the devices that Android runs on, I suspect you'll always see more iOS plugins than Android ones. Just my two cents! Mark
Calypso Kid
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Mar 09, 2012
Upstate New Yor...
05/13/14 09:12 AM (10 years ago)
When I first came to Buzztouch, I did not know what Xcode was much less self hosting, JSON and so on. I now have 3 published apps. If there is one thing that I learned here at Buzztouch, it's that there are a lot of people that turned a completely code ignorant dope (me) into a published app author. Since then I've even managed to help a few people myself. Pay it forward I guess. If you have an idea for an Android plugin, ask for help from another Android plugin creator. I know that I asked for a ton of help when I was getting started. People are more than willing to share information here at Buzztouch. Take charge of your own situation and instead of criticising those that don't do it for you, do it yourself. You will be better off for it. And then when I get the patients to start developing my apps for Android, I can ask you for guidance. Dave
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
05/13/14 09:22 AM (10 years ago)
I heard it said once that it takes twice as long to create something for Android as it does for iOS. Not sure if that's true or not. It used to be for me - probably not quite as much anymore. But I'll tell you this - I make more than twice as much on my iOS stuff as I do on my Android stuff. So, when I sit down to create something, I'm always asking "what's the best use of my time"? That makes for tough motivation to ever do anything for Android. When I do create something for Android, it's usually to see the improvement of Buzztouch than for anything else.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
05/13/14 09:22 AM (10 years ago)
Buzztouch, like the ENTIRE APP market usually gets iOS plugins first. It isn't a Buzztouch thing. Have a search on Google and see how many of the big apps arrive on iOS first. It's an open market, some of the rockstar devs on here choose to do iOS first, that's their prerogative. There are plenty of Android plugins out there, granted some of the more complex ones are iOS only but isn't a simple port over. Users and devs are learning. I have managed to put out some neat Android apps with the plugins above. The tools available can be used to make solid working Android apps and the list will continue to grow. As for the comment about the 'founders being unable to make Android plugins' nothing could be further from the truth. The BT team are hard at work coding, training, improving, innovating and there is so much going on behind the scenes that it would take 20 forum posts across a dozen topics. No. BT is not going iOS only. Like. Mark says above, he nature of the game means you'll probably always see more iOS than Android. Luckily we have folk like Smug, Chris1 et al burning the midnight oil trying to make many cross platform.
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
05/13/14 09:51 AM (10 years ago)
It all seems to me that BuzzTouch is now become a survival of the fittest(iOS Devs) of a thing, I like iOS but I am being forced to make iOS apps that I don't want to make, the founders of BuzzTouch have left the plugin market at the mercy of iOS plugin developers and why don't they see that the android guys are not comfortable with this?
Angry Ninja
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Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
05/13/14 10:24 AM (10 years ago)
I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents, because 6 months ago I came to buzztouch without knowing how to code fluently in either language. That was, after all, the main reason I signed up for buzztouch... to use simple plugins that I could write my apps with without complex coding skills. Now, the main platform that I personally wanted to code for was iOS, but it just as easily could have been Android. After awhile, I found myself not having the exact plugins that I wanted to create the apps that I wanted to produce... so I studied, learned, tried things, failed miserably at points, but eventually learned how to make my own plugins, which also forced me to learn the language of the platform that I needed to make those plugins. Now, I have over a dozen plugins in the market. Most of them are iOS only, but thats because that is the platform that I chose when I took it upon myself to learn to create my own plugins because of the lack of functionality that was available for what I needed my apps to do. What's stopping you, or anyone else, from doing the same thing with android? Another point of view... If I'm a soda vendor, and 90% of my orders are for Coke and Pepsi, which I already have the distribution chain setup for, already know how to stock the product, and is what most of the customers are asking for, why would I sign up to sell RC Cola, if I don't even know how to get it, and it takes twice as much work to get my stores to agree to put in on their shelves? I could spend 8 hours creating something in the language that I know, or a week struggling with something I have never messed with in order to get half of the return on investment for the end result. I think this is how most developers look at it. And I'm sure if anyone here knows Java and not iOS, the tables would be turned and they would only be pumping out Android plugins... but the fact that nobody here is doing that pretty much speaks for itself on why there are more iOS plugins. The return on investment is better for everyone on the iOS market... more app sales in the final app store results in more demand for plugins from the operating system, which leads people to choose objective C when deciding on a language to learn when the choose to develop apps, There's nothing wrong with Java or Android, but as Chris1 said, it's a matter of what is the best use of your time as a developer. Trust me, it's not that I don't want to have everything compatible with both iOS and Android... I'd love that! But I don't know Java at all... it's like asking someone to take a copy of Moby Dick and translate it into Mandarin Chinese. I wouldn't even know where to start. BUT... there's nothing stopping you, or anyone else from doing exactly what I did, starting from not knowing ANY app language, choosing the one you want to develop for, and start by creating a few simple plugins while you learn how it works. Then, release your plugins for Android only, since you wouldn't know the iOS language. Thats exactly what I did, just in reverse, because for me, iOS was the better return on the time that I invested, and the platform that I wanted to release my own apps for.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
05/13/14 11:01 AM (10 years ago)
KennedyE what your point in asking this? What do you want to happen? Im saying because you have i dont know how many posts, about the same thing with the same answers hah. We need to think of a creative way to get people to create plugins,get people to buzztouch,etc. One way Im going to do is release my plugins free for members and non members, and somehow get other to join more hopefully because theres a little bit more to choose from.Then after awhile, release alot of my other android plugins I havent put out or finished yet,but those will be paid.And the other ones will be paid again probably after some months go by.Releasing my plugins free for awhile, we could benefit from other buzztouchers adding cool stuff and tinkering with them when I dont have the time, and other cool ideas they use them for. Also we need ideas of what kind of plugins everyone wants,not just what one person wants. Post forum threads such as "How can I add this to my app??",etc. If enough people are interested in doing it someone will make a plugin to make it easier. So please help come up with creative ideas,invite people,etc so we can "push the envelope."
Angry Ninja
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Reg: Aug 25, 2013
05/13/14 11:04 AM (10 years ago)
I'm also happy to release any of my ios plugins source code to anyone that is serious about converting it to java for android. email me and we'll work something out.
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
05/13/14 11:13 AM (10 years ago)
Angry I have some tools and docs and stuff that might can help you convert them to android.I forgot to post them but I will later today.Ive bought most of your plugins and maybe can help convert.I have to look at the code again.I know definitely chris1 and smug can. Im also making videos of using mit open source code and making plugins,later this week.Will take probably only ten minutes or less each video.one ios and android.maybe I can get other users involved.You learn alot making plugins.
Angry Ninja
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Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
05/13/14 11:16 AM (10 years ago)
Yes, I leaned 90% of my objective C by trying to create plugins. It immerses you into it, and is a great way to learn by example. Yeah, I'd love to convert to android, just keep in mind that JAVA to me means nothing more than a cup of coffee, lol. It's one of the few languages that I never even bothered to mess with even a little bit. I don't even know the syntax.
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
05/13/14 11:22 AM (10 years ago)
Java takes a bit to get your mind around, but really once you do you realize there's not much difference between it and objective-c. The biggest difference is layouts. They can be a pain at times, and at other times really useful.
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
05/13/14 11:57 AM (10 years ago)
@CMCOFFEE My point is: BuzzTouch is suppose to be controlled by the founders to be an equal opportunity for android and ios devs just like wordpress. Each time I speak about the lack of android plugins some guys tell me to keep quiet and do it myself, yet those that tried said its very difficult... if you were in my shoe... how many times should I keep quiet before things will change? maybe I should force myself now to begin developing iOS apps(got no choice now) or just leave for a while, a year or so and come back when BT is ready for the android guys if at all...
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
05/13/14 11:59 AM (10 years ago)
I don't know how much more equal opportunity it could be, where the founders allow both ios and android plugins to be uploaded by anyone that wants to make them.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
05/13/14 12:04 PM (10 years ago)
Can we try and keep emotion out of this guys? Buzztouch is open source. Plugin market is open to all. The name is justified. It is free to develop Android and iOS apps. I will also say I know many folk on here that have made more than just pocket money with the Android apps they have published.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
05/13/14 12:07 PM (10 years ago)
Ps. Nobody wants to see you leave KennedyE. Have you tried iOS? It is quite simple to make both look very similar with the plugins available. Granted, the iOS one might have a few more bells and whistles but I have managed to explain that away to people I have made apps for when you break down the fragmentation to them.
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
05/13/14 12:10 PM (10 years ago)
Red Dog
buzztouch Evangelist
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Southern Califo...
05/13/14 12:11 PM (10 years ago)
"maybe I should force myself now to begin developing iOS apps(got no choice now)" You can choose to begin developing iOS apps OR Android apps. The choice is yours.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
05/13/14 12:13 PM (10 years ago)
Thanks coffee, I'll check it out :)
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
05/13/14 12:53 PM (10 years ago)
kennedyE underst im trying to help you help us.dont get offended.this is an open source platform.I am telling you to stop because its not going to change anything.we've told you countless times and you said you understand but you're asking again.im coming up with ideas to try to support what you want.ive even specifically gave you resources and asked you what kind of plugins you wanted before.understand what we make is not controlled by the founder.dont be a quitter.help me fill the gap when we was in your position we learned how to d what we needed.the reason we can maje plugibs is because we never gavw up.I make plugins while working two jobs everyday and going to college .so I know you can
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
05/13/14 12:58 PM (10 years ago)
I echo Keith's sentiments - there's way too much emotion wrapped into this. Some people want to learn to code and making plugins is a fun and profitable way to do that. Others (majority) don't want to. They just want something that works. Neither is right. But if you don't want to code, be patient with those that do.
Android Fan
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Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
05/13/14 01:44 PM (10 years ago)
"...Buzztouch is open source. Plugin market is open to all. The name is justified. It is free to develop Android and iOS apps..." @MacApple and @chris1 let it be known to you that I am not emotional about this and I am not the emotional type and I 've got no skin pain... maybe for the first time in 6 months I come to understand what BuzzTouch is really all about- an open source where members can develop their own plugins to make their own apps. I thought BuzzTouch was a place where the founders make plugins for members to make their apps... sorry for not knowing that from the beginning. Thanks @CMCOFFEE for your effort to help. I have learnt a lot here I must say, I have been helped and during my 6 months of waiting, I have helped many people here also particularly when BuzzTouch moved from activity to fragment, I was the only one who could solve the problem of Admob Interstitial and Revmob ads integration.
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
05/13/14 02:00 PM (10 years ago)
Kennedy - glad to hear we could enlighten you :). Also glad you don't harbor ill feelings. My comment about the emotions wasn't just directed at you. People get passionate about this stuff and that's good - but can also turn negative quick. Don't think that's happened yet, but don't want to see it go there. That's all!
buzztouch Evangelist
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Reg: Nov 03, 2011
05/13/14 02:00 PM (10 years ago)
I'd just like to head butt in, but I want to give a fair balanced argument. Although I primarily prefer iOS to Android, I'll try not to let this get in the way of what I will say. I've built plugins, haven't released them yet, but I know what I'm talking about. Buzztouch has recently opened its plugin market to all. Although we had a plugin market before, it was closed and we didn't see many plugins make it into general life. Since it has opened, every week has seen at least one new plugin. This is great. It gives more diversity. I remember building apps before there even was a plugin market, and the Buzztouch platform still met my needs comfortably. The plugin market allows flexibility in your app. You can now put more and more functions. Remember that before the plugin market, there was a fantastic platform. The plugin market lets this fantastic platform to grow. As it happens, the acceleration has been faster with iOS plugins than Android plugins. But remember that both are making Buzztouch better, not making one platform worse. It's sometimes hard to see that Android is getting better, because of the overshadowing of iOS. Think of it like racing cars. When one car overtakes the other, the slower car is still moving, but not quite at the same rate. Now think of it in terms of plugins. Android is moving and making progress, but iOS seems to be doing better. It's clear that you're supporting the Android team here, which is fair enough. I would love to see some of the iOS creativity transferred over to the Android platform. It all comes down to the plugin developers, of which I can speak up at this point. Buzztouch grows and gets better by the generosity of plugin developers. We don't get much for our plugins. It's a select few who strive to make this site better. As it happens, Android runs on different code to iOS. This makes it more difficult for plugin developers. We can't all be coders. If we were great coders, we wouldn't be here. We'd be making our millions on the west coast of California while inventing the 'next big thing'. I, personally, think there should be more Android plugins available, but one must remember that what David has already provided is a fantastic platform. I made my first apps only on what David developed.
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
05/13/14 02:27 PM (10 years ago)
no prob,cool,so what kind of plugins do you want to see lol? some of the developers have mentioned they're working on android versions of those,so beside those.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
05/13/14 03:01 PM (10 years ago)
KennedyE - per Chris1 above. Emotion comment not at yourself, at the thread. These things can get heated sometimes, tis all good. Grill is on in my back garden, everyone welcome. No need to bring anything, well maybe a few Android plugins for the grill.
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
05/13/14 03:11 PM (10 years ago)
Thanks @Thomas Boyd for your fair balanced argument. "...so what kind of plugins do you want to see lol?..." @CMCOFFEE can you remember this very thread of yours? LOL! http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=C861EABA015BD59A908687D&currentPage=9
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
05/13/14 03:12 PM (10 years ago)
I like to help people so I never mean to offend someone, not just with this app stuff.Mainly KennedyE just giving a suggestion that might work better.It might not. I know I might take it a little to far like on Mr Kamels post. Go ahead and tell me to chill or pm or something.Its all good I dont hate that dude.We all family.Ill still help whoever.I apologize if I hurt anyone in any way. anyways lets grow
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
05/13/14 03:15 PM (10 years ago)
lol yea I forgot about that.Ill post that code asap.What specifically do you mean by book,dictionary,and kids apps? You can use pdf for books,unless you want it to be like stobes? Chris1,the pdf plugin for android does work,well so I heard from another developer that said he used it with btv3.still havent tried it yet.so im not sure
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
05/13/14 03:42 PM (10 years ago)
@CMCOFFEE by book,dictionary,and kids apps? Then I simply mean different android plugins that helps you build book, dictionary, and kids apps.
Android Fan
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Amarillo, Texas
05/13/14 04:39 PM (10 years ago)
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
05/13/14 04:42 PM (10 years ago)
anyways come chat on btmods.com/chat

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