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Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
02/19/17 12:56 PM (8 years ago)

Help with setting up Push Notifications

Anyone active on the forum willing to help me set up push notifications for my app please? (android and iOS) ive never touched it before and think now is about time. im using BT control panel to create my app. im guessing i need to start somewhere with 'google cloud messaging' and 'apple push certs'? any up to date/accurate walkthroughs for this anywhere? thanks steve
Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
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02/19/17 10:05 PM (8 years ago)
I just finished implementing Push Notifications on one of my Swift apps. It appears that iOS 10 has introduced many changes to how the devices handle Push Notifications with the advent of UserNotifications (and the respective Content/Service Extensions). As I have written my apps that use APNS in Swift, most of the information that I have used will not be relevant to you, but I have located a post on StackOverflow that may help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39490605/push-notification-issue-with-ios-10?answertab=votes#tab-top One thing that took me a while to resolve (because of conflicting information across guides) is that when it comes to exporting the .P12 certificates, do not select both the private key and the certification, select only the certificate and right click then export. I have a tool that converts .P12 to .PEM: http://p12pem.com I hope this helps.
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
02/20/17 12:07 AM (8 years ago)
I use OneSignal PN on both iOS and Android and works really fine. I just hope it will also work on BT4.
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
02/20/17 12:21 AM (8 years ago)
I followed a guide on the how to's page right to the last step of uploading the .pem to buzztouch. When I do this I just get a white page and it never uploads?
Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
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02/20/17 06:01 AM (8 years ago)
I believe that Buzztouch's built in push notification functionality has been broken for about 5 years. I think you may have to implement your own solution.
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
02/20/17 12:15 PM (8 years ago)
i think you may be right. as soon as i enable it in core settings my app crashes on launch :( i'll try and work it out by other means
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
02/20/17 04:16 PM (7 years ago)
I posted my notes about Onesignal on BT3 about 10 months ago, I think this may help http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=A0FA1FF8924738412C77D93&currentPage=1
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
02/22/17 03:49 AM (7 years ago)
In case you missed it, @Chris1 posted instructions for setting up Android push here : https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=FB78BB44082E633FC8AC7F8 I haven't tried it myself. I copied and pasted the relevant bit: Push has been addressed in the Android update. It does require you to setup your project on Firebase as Google no longer supports Google Cloud Messaging. To do this, follow these steps from https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/android/android-migrate-fcm: Google Instructions: 1. In the Firebase console, select Import Google Project. 2. Select your GCM project from the list of existing projects and select Add Firebase. 3. In the Firebase welcome screen, select Add Firebase to your Android App. 4. Provide your package name and SHA-1, and select Add App. A new google-services.json file for your Firebase app is downloaded. ----------- Buzztouch Instructions: 5. Once you download google-services.json, copy it into your project in the 'app' folder. 6. Uncomment the last line of your app/build.gradle file.

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