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Jos Abroad
Lost but trying
Posts: 8
Reg: Jan 16, 2017
02/03/17 08:03 AM (8 years ago)

Hello from Southern Germany...

So, I'm new! I think I'm joining at an awkward time but I'm really wanting flexibility and quality. After looking at a number of online app builders and feeling constrained by what they offered, I believe I'll achieve that best through Buzztouch. From what I've seen, the community looks great and I really like the variety of where the people are located. I'm super new to this and have no idea what I'm doing. So far I am finding it to be a bit of a sharp learning curve. I come from a graphics background. I have some experience authoring interactive CD'S and had hoped that would help me, but no luck so far... Hoping that there will be some updated tutorials and/or the BTU help. I'm looking forward to learning more and getting things running. I think I'll be spending most of my time in the forums looking up posts with similar issues as I am having. Thanks for having me and I hope to have some great experiences here! Jo
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
02/03/17 09:14 AM (8 years ago)
Hey, welcome. Buzztouch is definitely a good choice, and I'm sure you'll find the community super helpful. Have fun!
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
02/03/17 01:28 PM (8 years ago)
Wilkommen! It is a tough time due to ongoing upgrades but we're nearly through it thanks to some good work by the buzztouch team! Stick with it and you will have apps built in no time! If you are ever stuck, just ask the forum. We all try to help each other. Look forward to seeing your first creation.
Jos Abroad
Lost but trying
Posts: 8
Reg: Jan 16, 2017
02/03/17 01:48 PM (8 years ago)
Hey! Well, thanks guys! I am looking on the bright side and using the time of little to no understanding of Buzztouch to work on my wireframe and get a clearer picture of how I'd like my app to work and look. That way, when I get down to it, it should hopefully go more smoothly. I am really looking forward to seeing it when it's done as well... Hoping to find some willing testers in the community to help me work out the bugs ;) Jo

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