Aspiring developer
Posts: 51
Reg: Feb 06, 2013
Lisbon, Portuga...
04/25/14 12:34 PM (10 years ago)

error : provision profile not found

Hello all, I have recently updated xcode to 5.1 and when submitting a new version of app to the app store i get this message : Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID ......, however, no such provisioning profile was found. Xcode can resolve this issue by downloading a new provisioning profile from the Member Center. i click to fix issue and the same message keeps coming. In xcode the bundle identifier is pointing to valid certificate and profiles. I have checked with developer center and certificates and provision profiles are not understand how to fix this. Anyone had the same error before and succeeded in resolving it? Any help is appreciated Zarqa
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
04/25/14 02:42 PM (10 years ago)
I've had Xcode throw that error at me, and for me, right after you click "fix issue", click over on another tab, like build settings, then flip back to the general info tab and the setting has usually took. Not sure why, but for some reason it works for me. Same thing when I have to add a new bundle ID or assign a different team... it does the same thing, and flipping over a tab and then back resolves it. Hopefully your's is just being picky like mine is, and it's not something else.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 51
Reg: Feb 06, 2013
Lisbon, Portuga...
04/25/14 10:55 PM (10 years ago)
Thanks for your input Angry Ninja. I was trying to fix it following an advise on a forum and i think i mess it up even more. Now cannot open project in xcode and get this message : Project /Users/zarqa/Documents/detoxprogram-iOS-BTv2.0-EA47295......./detoxprogram.xcodeproj cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed. what i did was opening the project.pbxproj file and in the line where it is pointing to a provision profile i deleted the name of profile. Made big mistake of not copying the file before messing with it and as i do not understand the code... getting lost! but i will keep on trying do you know if i can delete this lines altogether or write the new provision profile there?
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
04/26/14 07:27 AM (10 years ago)
You should be able to delete the lines entirely and add new. You best bet is go create a new set of provisioning profiles based on you existing certificates, then go to the organizer window and let it download them automatically for you when you archive and validate
Aspiring developer
Posts: 51
Reg: Feb 06, 2013
Lisbon, Portuga...
04/26/14 08:32 AM (10 years ago)
Thank you for your patience...i manage to fix that error but now validating and getting a bunch more errors! man this is a learning experience (hopefully : ) now i get red errors when validating app : Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'Icon_144.png' .... i am checking the BT_info.plist file in my project and under the key CFBundleIcons i cannot find the files ? am i suposed to add the items here? and what type is it? array or string or dictionary...sorry but i am still a newbie on this and questions might be very basic cheers
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
04/26/14 08:34 AM (10 years ago)
Ahhh... thats an easy one. Simply make an icon 144px x 144xpx and name it Icon_144.png and place it in your project. BT technically creates that icon for you that size already but names it something different, so you could change that icon name in the plist, but I find it quicker just to save a new icon with the 144 size and add it to the project
Aspiring developer
Posts: 51
Reg: Feb 06, 2013
Lisbon, Portuga...
04/26/14 10:31 AM (10 years ago)
thank you! managed to submit app...phew

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