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Korkut Ata
Aspiring developer
Posts: 108
Reg: Aug 09, 2011
04/01/14 12:26 PM (10 years ago)

Advanced Quiz Plugin Crashing in iPad Sim

It works ok with iPhone but crashes when running on iPad. I thought it might be an issue with the picture sizes but everything is ok with the sizes. Following is the crashing part of the debug screen: Any ideas? Bayram 2014-04-01 22:13:15.199 actl[1060:60b] BT_application: getViewControllerForScreen nickname: "kulturtesti1" itemId: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX type: NAD_advanced_quiz 2014-04-01 22:13:15.200 actl[1060:60b] NAD_advanced_quiz: INIT 2014-04-01 22:13:15.200 actl[1060:60b] BT_navController: pushViewController 2014-04-01 22:13:15.201 actl[1060:60b] NAD_advanced_quiz: viewDidLoad 2014-04-01 22:13:15.201 actl[1060:60b] NAD_advanced_quiz: viewDidLoad (super) 2014-04-01 22:13:15.203 actl[1060:60b] NAD_advanced_quiz: called updateViewConstraints 2014-04-01 22:13:15.204 actl[1060:60b] NAD_advanced_quiz: viewWillAppear (super) 2014-04-01 22:13:15.204 actl[1060:60b] NAD_advanced_quiz: configureNavBar (super) for screen with itemId: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2014-04-01 22:13:15.205 actl[1060:60b] BT_viewUtilities: getNavBarBackgroundColorForScreen: Screen "kulturtesti1" color: stripes 2014-04-01 22:13:15.206 actl[1060:60b] NAD_advanced_quiz: configureBackground (super) for screen with itemId XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: 2014-04-01 22:13:15.206 actl[1060:60b] BT_background_view: updateProperties (color and image) for screen with itemId: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: 2014-04-01 22:13:15.206 actl[1060:60b] BT_fileManager: File does exist in Xcode bundle: "anasayfa.png" 2014-04-01 22:13:15.206 actl[1060:60b] BT_background_view: "anasayfa.png" exists in Xcode bundle - not downloading. 2014-04-01 22:13:15.207 actl[1060:60b] BT_background_view: setImage 2014-04-01 22:13:15.207 actl[1060:60b] NAD_advanced_quiz: viewWillAppear 2014-04-01 22:13:15.214 actl[1060:60b] NAD_advanced_quiz: called updateViewConstraints 2014-04-01 22:13:15.220 actl[1060:60b] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints. Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. (Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints) ( "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x176a3e90 h=-&- v=-&- UIView:0x12c2efc0.width == _UIParallaxDimmingView:0x12c3df70.width>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x17683150 H:[UIView:0x12c2f500(700)]>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x17699340 UIScrollView:0x12c2f670.centerX == UIView:0x12c2efc0.centerX>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x1769abd0 UIView:0x12c2f500.centerX == UIScrollView:0x12c2f670.centerX>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x176a03c0 H:|-(0)-[UIScrollView:0x12c2f670] (Names: '|':UIView:0x12c2efc0 )>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x17698ec0 H:|-(NSSpace(20))-[UIView:0x12c2f500] (Names: '|':UIScrollView:0x12c2f670 )>", "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x176b3910 h=--& v=--& H:[_UIParallaxDimmingView:0x12c3df70(768)]>" ) Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint <NSLayoutConstraint:0x17699340 UIScrollView:0x12c2f670.centerX == UIView:0x12c2efc0.centerX> Break on objc_exception_throw to catch this in the debugger. The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful. (lldb)
Code is Art
Posts: 1025
Reg: Jun 07, 2012
04/01/14 12:48 PM (10 years ago)
I'll need to see your project files. Can you zip them up and send them to [email protected]
Aspiring developer
Posts: 469
Reg: Jan 10, 2012
Orange County, ...
04/01/14 01:14 PM (10 years ago)
Interesting. Similare thing is happening with my app. Surprisingly, it made it in the App store with this bug. Iphone works find, but crashes in iPad when I select item in Menu with Image. Can you post, if you discover why it's happening for you?
Code is Art
Posts: 1025
Reg: Jun 07, 2012
04/01/14 01:17 PM (10 years ago)
Sure. I'll make sure any fix gets into an update.
Code is Art
Posts: 1025
Reg: Jun 07, 2012
04/01/14 01:23 PM (10 years ago)
I am not getting any problems in the emulator with my test setup. Will need to see source code.

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