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Aspiring developer
Posts: 364
Reg: Sep 20, 2012
03/07/14 05:28 AM (10 years ago)

Good news for Android developers - are you witnessing this trend with your app sales?

http://untether.tv/2014/mm-260-android-users-now-spend-more-than-iphone-users/ Anyone who has signed up to Rob Woodbridge’s mobile minute will have received this news today. The claim being made is that Android users are now spending more that iPhone users. Sounds like good news for Android developers! Anyone here seeing signs of this with their apps sales?
Lost but trying
Posts: 574
Reg: Oct 21, 2013
location unknow...
03/07/14 06:22 AM (10 years ago)
I think at some point the devices (apple, android, windows) will be a mute point when it comes to mcommerce, I think its a matter of designing/developing for delivery to any mobile device. Like a website, you build it, it's available on both desktop and mobile, the user who spends a lot of money, are getting more comfortable with the ui/ux version of mobile responsive websites. No longer having the need to pinch and zoom especially since the device screen resolutions/sizes are now bigger and in HD. http://untether.tv/2014/mm-258-48-mobile-web-vs-37-mobile-apps/ Plus the convenience of it vs that extra step of having to download an app just for shopping online. Whereas most businesses that put out apps, targeting their consumers, already have in existence prior to their app a website, and now tethered to it. What the study did not specify was how much of the spending or trend was done via an actual app vs their mobile browser. When I polled my own clients and asked them whether they would want an app vs a mobile responsive website. Their main hesitation was, "Ed, unless it's something very unique like asking you to make a game app or likewise, from a marketing perspective if I send an email blast to my target audience, it's much easier to get them to the destination (website) by giving them a URL. Asking them to first download an app via a url link to the app store or sending them a QR code to scan, they would have to download a qr app scanner first sucks. All those steps to basically get the same content that I'm promoting on my website, there's a possibility that I may loose that customer because of the inconvenience." I agree with my clients, market them the url to their website, then promote the app from there, providing them with info about their app and let the users decide if it's worth downloading or buying. ie. I shop on ebay, but I don't do it through their app so why do I need to download it and take up space on my mobile screen? For me I get a better experience from my desktop visiting the site vs the limitations of a mobile screen. So as a business owner, I get more clients wanting to go mobile responsive with their websites vs. a standalone app right now. That could change, but for me, the ability to do both increases my revenue potential. Put it to everyone this way. How many developers on buzztouch have successfully marketed their app without the need of any website? Website development is here to stay, and mobile devices will always have a mobile browser to view it on. IMO, Ed
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
03/07/14 07:27 AM (10 years ago)
On my apps in which I have both iOS and Android versions of the exact same app available, at the exact same price, I'm personally seeing my sales about 70% iOS and 30% Android
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
03/07/14 07:56 AM (10 years ago)
Android have more users worldwide than iOS, things are changing fast and we know of a sure that the future of mobile world belongs to Google Android, I have forecast this many times...
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
03/07/14 08:10 AM (10 years ago)
Yes I make 3 times as much from my iOS apps than android. Ive always heard iOS users are more willing to pay for apps than android. I was thinking maybe most of the reason thay more android devices sell, is that you can get the latest android OS on an android device for fifty bucks without, even for devices that are big name manufacturers(of course from ebay, etc). Also a lot of websites give away paid apps apk, and on iOS you have to have a the udid of the phone to distribute it individually. Im an android fan, but I make more with iOS.I make android apps for fun, and get more money from ads, than paid apps. Mostly, the richest people have iOS devices, so Im trying to get their money, as it doesnt hurt their pockets anyway. Thats a stereotype but I think thats the illusion that the wealthy sees the iphone as "the phone". Its still possible to make a lot of money from android if you have the time
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
03/07/14 08:16 AM (10 years ago)
I think a large part of that is the cheaper hardware for "entry level" smartphones available for android. I think iOS users tend to have more disposable income, which is reflected in their app purchasing habits. This shows true with Android having a larger marketshare, yet my app sales are 70% iOS (worldwide to worldwide... apples to apples. The only barrier being additional language support). I know some people may stick up for their favorite bandwagon because it happens to be the hardware they own, or are comfortable with, but I can tell you hands down after owning both for a significant amount of time, you couldn't pay me enough to make an Android device my daily device after I've owned an iOS device. The Android sits in a drawer and only used when absolutely necessary, like for development purposes. Seriously, I plug it in like once a month now, because the iOS devices are just more intuitive to my use and daily activities. I have the choice of grabbing whichever platform I choose when I leave the house for the day, and it's 100% Apple every time. It's the new millennium version of the Mac vs. PC debate. A large share of the market will pay for Apple quality and ease of use, and a large part of the market will be happy with the lower price options available on Android and more of a "PC" feel to them. Some will cross over, some won't. I came from 20+ years of a hard core PC and "anti-apple" belief... until I actually used apple products on a daily basis and decided for myself which I truly preferred to be my daily devices (be it phone, tablet, computer... whatever). EDIT: Exactly CMCOFFEE... you beat me to my points while I was typing them, haha
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
03/07/14 09:58 AM (10 years ago)
Ha yea you explained it better. Yes Im getting a Mac Book soon so I can develop faster without borrowing someones.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
03/07/14 11:31 AM (10 years ago)
Given a choice, I will always choose the mobile app over the web app. I use EBay's mobile app, I don't use their web app. For the mobile apps that were designed for the mobile interface, it is an absolute joy to avoid their web sites. For the mobile apps that are simply a responsive version of the web site, those apps won't stay on my device for very long. Even simple things such as Favorites within a mobile app is already providing value beyong the web app. Offline caching is another value feature. Interaction and browsing of a catalog is usually much easier with a well-designed mobile app. Purpose-built and user-centric designed mobile apps will always provide value for the User. Mobile responsive web sites will be sufficient, yet not satisfactory. This is not about iOS vs Android nor HTML vs Native -- it is about knowing how to provide value to the User with a Mobile app. -- Niraj
Lost but trying
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Reg: Oct 21, 2013
location unknow...
03/07/14 11:42 AM (10 years ago)
Not every website has an app #limitations, your search engine must be the app store, if the mobile browser is not your first choice of viewing content on your mobile device. #tooManyAppsOnMyiPhone Just sayin
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
03/07/14 11:53 AM (10 years ago)
Totally agree, Ed. One must have a way of "finding" the mobile app. The App Store is one way. A web site is the primary and more important way of discovering that mobile app. The web site provides the appropriate context and gives the relevant information to encourage downloading of that value-focused app. Too many apps on your device? That is the purpose for the home screen, the good apps are on my home screen :-)
I hate code!
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Montreux Switze...
03/07/14 12:01 PM (10 years ago)
A quite interesting thread! 'Android have more users worldwide than iOS'... That's quite right: Android 12.67% of all OS (incl. computers) in February 2014, iOS 9.5%... But beware of global figures... reality is quite different from one area to the other! North America: iOS 16.91%, Android 10.12% Asia: Android 17.84%, iOS 5.7% Europe: Android 9.28%, iOS 9.17% Africa: Android 12.4%, iOS 3.33% And the difference is even bigger when you get the 'national' figures... Samsungland: Android 25.19%, iOS 3.07% Appleland: iOS 18.15%, Android 10.36% So... it all depends on your target audience! (All these figures come from statcounter.com and are based on websites use, not on device sales!) Does the future belong to Android? Maybe... but I wouldn't place a bet! Die-hard iPhone fans buy the new 5s or 5c and sell the 'old' 5 for an affordable price... And now you can even buy a brand new desimlocked iPhone 4s for half the price... Having an iPhone is more affordable than before... Things are changing fast... but not so fast... Android in the USA: 6.47% of all OS in March 2013, 10.36% in February 2014 - growth 60% iOS in the USA: 12.43% in March 2013, 18.15% in February 2014 - growth 46% And who knows which surprises will come from Apple this year? 2013 has been just an 's' (and 'c') year for iPhones... In 2012, when the iPhone 5 has been released, figures were different: Android in the USA: 3.91% of all OS in January 2012, 6.11% in December 2012 - growth 56% iOS in the USA: 6.64% in January 2012, 11.12% in December 2012 - growth 67.5% I'm afraid the future is unpredictable... Outsiders like Firefox OS may jump in... I'm not sure iOS would suffer, but Android would be the first victim... Enough with the figures, here's an interesting link about the mobile OS war: http://techland.time.com/2014/02/21/ios-vs-android-2/ Cheers Jack
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
03/07/14 01:16 PM (10 years ago)
Time and the Mobile users will tell... if you were in Africa and here in Nigeria in particular, I am sure you wouldn't buy an iPhone even if you have the money to buy 10pcs at the same time... can't you see this is not about the developer or price of a device? Its about the users worldwide- they (will) decide... Remember English- today's world language was spoken by the Barbarians many years ago... You can't challenge Google on anything on the internet...
Aspiring developer
Posts: 364
Reg: Sep 20, 2012
03/07/14 01:47 PM (10 years ago)
@fusionsch - thanks for sharing this additional detail... clearly it is a case of “the devil being in the detail”. I guess making a general comment indicating that Android users are spending more than iPhone users is open to misinterpretation.
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
03/07/14 02:16 PM (10 years ago)
If iOS developers here judge using their iOS BT Apps alone, they will be making mistakes, you can't use BT apps to judge alone. What about apps made outside of BT? Because you see here in BT, iOS developers are better motivated by so many iOS plugins in the BT market, How many Android plugins are there in the BT market? Make Android versions of the same iOS plugins available in the BT market first before you can judge using BT apps alone.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
03/07/14 02:48 PM (10 years ago)
Yes iOS apps are purchased more even ones not developed with BT. I add alot of extra code and screens to my bt apps on both android and iOS that are not bt plugins. Even my apps not developed with bt, iOS wins in sales. Also I make more money on android app stores like amazon,samsung,etc than in Google Play because Google Play doesnt test your apps. Still again you can have better sales on android if you put the time in it and design it well.
Android Fan
Posts: 373
Reg: Dec 07, 2013
PH, Nigeria
03/08/14 02:40 AM (10 years ago)
I still think BT Developers need to develop more Android Plugins to match the too many iOS plugins in the BT market, and you mustn't sell an app to make money, in some cases, free apps with ads make more money than paid apps(talking from experience), again, in some cases free apps with in app purchase make more money than paid apps... don't leave some stones unturned...

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