buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 393
Reg: Sep 07, 2011
West Midlands
02/25/14 05:28 AM (10 years ago)

RESOLVED Lexical or Preporocessor Issue

Hi, I'm trying to run my first iOS app. I'm using self hosted core 3. I get an error: Lexical or Preporocessor Issue 'BT_settingData.h' file not found I'm pretty sure that I've copied the files across into the project. Where do I look for a solution, please? The app will clean successfully but not run. John
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/25/14 05:34 AM (10 years ago)
For the moment, you might try and comment out that line by placing two slashes in front of it. like this --> // <-- That will 'disable' that line and the compiler will skip it. However, that could also introduce other issues… it depends on the rest of the project. "BT_settings.m" and "BT_settings.h" were parts of BTv2, that are not included in BTv3 So either it's no longer needed, and you can comment it out, or… it's been changed, and something else might need to take it's place. But at the moment, I'm not sure what that will be. Give a try commenting out, and seeing if it will work. If so, great! If not, let us know and we'll figure something out. How old is this project? Cheers! -- Smug
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 393
Reg: Sep 07, 2011
West Midlands
02/25/14 05:43 AM (10 years ago)
Thanks, Smug. Just tried but it's given me a lot of new errors. The file is BT_settingData.h not BT_settings.m or BT_settings.h if that makes any difference. The project is brand new, downloaded today, for me to test on. I must be missing something. I've started from scratch a couple of times. Am I setting xcode up properly? I've been through the video "Appbuilding 101 - From First Login to an App in the App Store" by Chris Robbins, but do I need to study something else to get set up correctly?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/25/14 06:05 AM (10 years ago)
My bad. I was looking for the right files, but I typed the wrong filename. I'm talking about BT_settingsData.m/h as well. Those are 'core' files. But they are core files that have not been continued in v3. Perhaps the functions are in bits of other files. I'm curious what errors you get when you comment out the file #import… There's only one method in the class (init) and three variables, so it most likely got integrated into something else and discontinued… If you want to try 'adding' them into your project, I threw copies in my dropbox here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/115208762/BT_settingData.h https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/115208762/BT_settingData.m If it causes an error, just remove them, and we'll go from there. Cheers! -- Smug
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 393
Reg: Sep 07, 2011
West Midlands
02/25/14 06:54 AM (10 years ago)
I've downloaded the files from BT again and tried running the 2.0 version. It worked. I've also downloaded the project again in v3.0 and tried running it again. I was getting some errors, still, but I then deleted several of the plugins and tried again - it runs. There is a problem with a plugin somewhere. I'll try to identify the problem further and open a new post if I need further help. Thanks for all of your help, smug. Really appreciate your time. John.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 393
Reg: Sep 07, 2011
West Midlands
02/26/14 02:29 PM (10 years ago)
I methodically removed various plugins and I found that this error was caused by including the Device Info Plugin. I removed that plugin and the error ceased.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/28/14 08:50 PM (10 years ago)
Odd that the 'device info plugin' would be the culprit… it's one of those BT functions that isn't really a plugin, but a portion of the core code that can be 'used' like a plugin. Still, if it works with it gone, better that it be gone. Sorry for the late reply, I'm just popping my head up while I have a chance; things are kind of busy for me right now. Glad you got it worked out! Cheers! -- Smug
Lost but trying
Posts: 70
Reg: Mar 14, 2013
04/29/14 09:18 PM (10 years ago)
I had the exact same issue, and removing the Device info plugin fixed it as well. A shame, as I would have loved to use it. Jen

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