Lost but trying
Posts: 63
Reg: Jan 13, 2014
Pretoria, Gaute...
02/24/14 11:10 PM (11 years ago)

General info needed!

I'm new at developing and hosting app's. Have done web's. Have been going through the FAQ's but must have missed what I need to know. 1. Is installing an app seen as downloading the source code at BT? 2. I have a limited number of clients that is using IOS, is there an easy way of getting the source code from BT without having to get a system that runs Xcode? 3. If I close the app on a mobile device the "home menu" duplicates at the bottom. What am I missing? If someone can advise, thank you.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/24/14 11:35 PM (11 years ago)
Hello @Weidies, Welcome to Buzztouch! Let's try to answer some of your questions: 1. Downloading the source gives you the ability to compile your app so that it will run on an iOS or Android device. That requires a Mac and Xcode for iOS, or any computer and the Eclipse ADT Bundle for Android. Here's a How-To that explains what you need to get started: https://www.buzztouch.com/files/howtos/Things_You_Need_Before_You_Start_Developing_Apps_v1.1.pdf 2. You can get the source code for iOS from BT, but you can't do anything with it without Xcode (except edit it in a text editor). Xcode is REQUIRED in order to compile your app into something that will run on a device. There's literally no way around it. Also factor in the necessary $99/yr developer program fees that Apple requires. 3. I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Can you show us a screen shot? Hope this helps! You're in the best place on Earth to develop apps at, so please let us know if you have any other questions. Mark
Lost but trying
Posts: 63
Reg: Jan 13, 2014
Pretoria, Gaute...
02/25/14 12:51 AM (11 years ago)
Hi Mark Thank you, will be reading. On the Android market is the $25 only if you need the Wallet or is it also for registration? Weidies
I hate code!
Posts: 222
Reg: Jun 12, 2011
Tasmania, Austr...
02/25/14 02:24 AM (10 years ago)
As far as I know it is for both... But perhaps Mark can clarify... Perhaps Im wrong, however I recall only ever paying for the Google Play Dev Account $25 ) and the wallet was included... Terry Newbie
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/25/14 09:13 AM (10 years ago)
As far as I'm aware, Google charges a one time $25 fee that covers everything. That's all I've ever had to pay in several years of being involved in this. Thanks! Mark
Lost but trying
Posts: 63
Reg: Jan 13, 2014
Pretoria, Gaute...
02/26/14 03:47 AM (10 years ago)
Hi Mark & Terry I did register yesterday and only paid the $25. Thank you. Johan

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