Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
03/21/17 09:54 AM (7 years ago)

BT 4 Android issues (bugs?

I have a few Android BT 4.03 core issues (bugs?) that are preventing me completing an app. If anyone has encountered them and has a work-around, or just agrees they are a problem for them too, or has other BT 4 core issues too, please chip in. I'm hoping we might be able to identify some fixes. 1) Top of my list - App breks Android device menus. E.g. I can't see the menu for refresh data, or BT context menu when my BT 4 Android app is launched. This is specific to non-tabbed apps. It appeared after a fix that cured the same issue for Tabbed apps. I never use tabs in Android, so I see it as a bit of a show-stopper. 2) I cannot get interactive maps working, previously reported here: 3) Android control panel background colours don't work for me. 4) Android control panel background image sizing/position options don't work, reported here: You can have any image you like as long as it is full size! 5) Does anyone have Android BT 4 push working? If so, how? Thats enough for now! Thanks, Alan
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
03/21/17 09:59 AM (7 years ago)
Your persistent Alan, I'll give you that! I've given up reporting anything because we're getting no acknowledgement back from BT They could be sweating their tits off behind the scenes but it'll be nice to acknowledge all the bugs that have been raised on here and Slack and have an update. Not a peep for the last month and more
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
03/21/17 10:54 AM (7 years ago)
I agree, just confirming one way or the other and saying its on the list or not going to be fixed we would know where we stand. But if the bugs are not mentioned from time to time, the fear is it gets forgotton about, or frustration builds and people leave, neither of which are desireable. If anyone has work-arounds for any of these, then it maybe it makes the job a bit smaller. Like they say, how do you eat and elephant ? - One piece at a time :).
Chris from Staffor...
Aspiring developer
Posts: 335
Reg: Oct 14, 2013
04/17/17 01:58 AM (7 years ago)
I've had a nightmare trying to get the new BT working on Android I've updated Android Studio downloaded all the suggested updates as prompted - probably got way more than I need. After a lot of frustration I finally got a build running on the simulator but it's says the plug in has not been compiled in the build (menu with image) I'm having similar issues with iOS with the same app - just get a blank screen It makes me wonder if the buzztouch download isn't including the plugins correctly. I'm not very good at understanding code so have always relied on help in the forums to get me fixed It's all very frustrating as all the guides are years out of date and the buzztouch developers seem very quiet
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/17/17 03:09 AM (7 years ago)
Hi Chris, I agree it isn't easy at the moment and I am not great with code either, hence why I like Buzztouch so much. Downloading all the Android Studio updates is good, it usually gets you to the next hurdle (lol). FYI I updated the iOS guide (unofficially) - I published the link in your iOS post. Any comments on it would be welcome. On this issue, I personally don't use the Android simulator as a lot of people comment that they prefer testing using a device as it seems to work better. But I do use the menu with image plugin. I was just wondering if the plugin is visible in the Android Studio project folder? In the com.yourappname>ui>bt_plugins folder you should see WB_screen_menuImage In res>layout folder you should see wb_screen_menuimage.xml and wb_screen_menuimage_row.xml If they are not there, then the plugin needs to be added. If they are there, indulge me by adding a tab layout to your app with your menu as the only tab, just for testing. If that works the problem is related to bug one as I posted above. Good luck, Alan
Chris from Staffor...
Aspiring developer
Posts: 335
Reg: Oct 14, 2013
06/20/17 01:32 PM (7 years ago)
Still bashing my head against the wall Everytime I download an Android build it seems different - but everyone has the top menu and refresh etc missing It's so frustrating

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