Discussion Forums  >  Plugins, Customizing, Source Code

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Code is Art
Posts: 91
Reg: Oct 27, 2011
02/17/21 02:50 AM (4 years ago)

Status on older plugins

Hi, I have been away for about 3 years and in my setup, I have several plug-ins, that I can see is no longer offered. Will that mean that they are no longer usefull or will not work? And what about all the standard plug-ins that David Book made available? I am particulary interested in using the "Location Map". Regards, Kristian
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
In your local b...
02/17/21 03:34 PM (4 years ago)
Hi Kristian! All the "default" plugins that come with your Buzztouch account don't currently show in the plugin market / listing, as they're the stock plugins that come with every Buzztouch account... (although, I guess it would make sense to maybe show them as "free" / "installed" so that people to know they're still active). Here's a list of plugins that should be up to date (in addition to what shows on the market!): Call Us Custom HTML / Text Custom URL Excel Doc HTML Doc Launch Native App Location Map Login Screen Menu Buttons Menu Simple PDF Doc PowerPoint Doc Send Email Send SMS (Text Message) Share via Email Share via SMS (Text Message) Splash Screen (17 plugins in total) If there's something specific to your application that was developed by a third-party developer, it may not be up to date. You can always post here if you run into any issues. :)
Code is Art
Posts: 91
Reg: Oct 27, 2011
02/18/21 01:28 AM (4 years ago)
HI, Thanks a lot - it was a great relief to know that! I have some older apps, which is currently not active, but I would use the same technical approach to build new ones. Regards, Kristian

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