Aspiring developer
Posts: 100
Reg: Sep 17, 2013
06/19/16 09:01 PM (8 years ago)

Unfortunatly Screen keeps popping up (Samsung Note 3)

I have been working on this app for several weeks without a problem I have been installing and uninstalling. Finally today when I have everything correct, the app started crashng and giving me the message before it closes. I went through several android tips to see if I needed to do a soft and hard reboot, the safemode and all the other stuff.. It just stopped testing after today. I even tried duplicating the screens manually into another app and just doing simple settings It worked for a minute and then I made a change and now it is doing the message again. i tried installing it on two other phones and they worked but those phones arent mine and the app is very simple 3 menus and a few screens and no major plugins. I went into the download page to remove the history and download files and emptyed cache and went back to android studio and cleaned and rebuilt the file and to no avail still nothing changed. it is at can someone check to see if they can open the app with no problems, geesh this seems stupid, been doing this allllll day.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
06/20/16 09:26 AM (8 years ago)
I tried, the link doesn't work yet. Error 404: NOT FOUND! This domain name has just been registered.

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