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Lost but trying
Posts: 103
Reg: Mar 08, 2013
06/04/16 05:28 PM (8 years ago)

Instagram upload required

Hi All, Still trying to get my App done for my tourism business but just dont have time at moment to work on this so looking for someone who might be able to! Specifics: Android required initially, developer may do iOS if wants to and put both up on market. Concept: Adaptation of sharing to reduce typing and be product/area specific. As much as we push people to like and post photos to our facebook page, it is now more popular and easier to get people to hashtag their uploads to instagram so we can feed from that on our website. Design: The plugin page would allow Passengers to select a photo, and then select a "greeting/description" from a preloaded drop down list such as: 'Chilling out at ', 'Check out this amazing scenery at ', 'Ancient Rock Art at ' etc. Then they would also select the particular location from another drop down list, such as: 'Twin Falls', 'Ubirr', 'Maguk' etc. In the control panel, preloaded hidden hash tags could also be entered such as: 'kakadu4wdsafaris', 'ntaustralia', 'seekakadu', 'tourismtopend', 'smallgrouptour', etc that are combined into the post. Also a final text field could allow them to enter any extra tags they want to add. Result: Hence a fairly quick and easy way of ensuring that our tags are included when they post a photo. An example would be: "Chilling out at #Twin Falls #seekakadu #ntaustralia with #kakadu4wdsafaris #smallgrouptour #tourismtopend #myholiday2016' Paul
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
06/04/16 08:06 PM (8 years ago)
I would work that out for you but Instagram removed the ability to add pre-filled captions. Users have to enter this manually now. Only developers who have already implemented this feature in their app can still use the feature. http://developers.instagram.com/post/125972775561/removing-pre-filled-captions-from-mobile-sharing
Lost but trying
Posts: 103
Reg: Mar 08, 2013
06/04/16 08:48 PM (8 years ago)
Damn! If only I got around to this 12 months ago! I can partly understand why, they want to stop a heap of generic tag posts ('Unauthentic') like mine even though it would make user activity much friendlier. Thanks for info CM. Guess maybe I will have to revisit Facebook option. Do you know if this would be available through open graph stories on FB? If an access token to my FB page was embedded in app they could tag and post photo directly to an album, maybe instigate a 'like' instance on first post.
Lost but trying
Posts: 103
Reg: Mar 08, 2013
06/04/16 09:56 PM (8 years ago)
damn refresh caused double post!
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
06/04/16 09:58 PM (8 years ago)
Yes with the Facebook graph Api you can tag photos.

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