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Aspiring developer
Posts: 37
Reg: Jul 16, 2012
05/23/16 01:59 PM (8 years ago)

Push Notifications on iOS Not Working - Can't upload the .pem file

As the title states, I've tried several of the suggestions in other topics related to this, including using an online .pem generator and trying the upload in a different browser, with no luck. In Chrome on the Mac, BuzzTouch just gives me a blank white page with a 500 error in the console when I try to upload the .pem file. In IE11 on Windows, it gives me an error "Invalid File Type. .pem files only. You tried to upload a text/plain file.". How can I get push notifications working in my iOS app?
I hate code!
Posts: 513
Reg: Jun 12, 2011
08/23/16 12:58 PM (7 years ago)
I am having the exact same issue! cant figure this out... did you ever get it?

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