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Aspiring developer
Posts: 68
Reg: Nov 13, 2012
São Paulo
05/30/16 06:24 PM (8 years ago)

Interactive Quiz plugin Image URL

Hi, I've been truing to use the fields Image URL Small Device (imageURLSmallDevice) and Image URL Large Device (imageURLLargeDevice) in the child items of Interactive Quiz plugin but it seems that those fields are not working. Is someone experiencing the same? Thanks, Alessandro.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
05/30/16 10:53 PM (8 years ago)
Hi Alessandro, I haven't used them for a while, but they did work the last time I used them. What sort of errors are you getting? If you can get us some output at the time of the errors from the debug console in Xcode or LogCat in Android Studio, that would help tremendously in understanding what the problem might be. Thanks! Mark
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/31/16 03:32 AM (8 years ago)
Just echoing what Mark said... Log output is the rosetta stone to figuring out what (out of many possibilities) is not working. I've also used the images previously, so ensure you've added the images (don't just drop them into the directory... "add" them to the project, similar to adding the plugin directory). Things 'should' work, so if they're not... Don't get too worried; it's probably something simple. But logs will tell. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 68
Reg: Nov 13, 2012
São Paulo
05/31/16 06:08 AM (8 years ago)
Hi Smug and Mark, Thanks for the details. I did further tests and notice that those fields are working properly. But I was not able to use them in the method below, everything works but not the images. It works only if I input the images locally in the app (using imageNameSmallDevice instead of imageURLSmallDevice). I am trying to keep the images externally so it allows me to create further quiz in the future. But I'm almost giving up that option and keeping the images locally in the app that is working. I'm trying to use those fields through JSON created in PHP files that extract child items from a MySql database. I learned to work with that with SmugWimp help and videos! Thanks SmugWimp, I'm redesigning everything in my app with that knowledge! In a first php file <lokoquizzlista.php> I create the JSON of the child items of a Menu Simple plugin that extract the items from the database. Each entry calls a second php file <lokoquizz.php> that creates the JSON of the child items of a Interactive Quiz plugin. <lokoquizzlista.php> URL: http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/php/lokoquizzlista.php It creates 4 data items each calls the same URL of a PHP file but with different id at the end. {"childItems":[{"itemId":"lokoquizz001", "itemType":"BT_menuItem", "titleText":"Quizz 01 - Qual a cerveja?", "loadScreenObject":{"itemId":"quizz001", "itemType":"BT_screen_quiz", "itemNickname":"quizz001", "navBarTitleText":"Descubra a cerveja", "navBarStyle":"solid", "cacheWebImages":"1", "quizRandomizeQuestions":"1", "quizShowCorrectAnswers":"0", "quizRewardIfPointsOver":"30000", "quizSoundEffectFileNameCorrect":"right.mp3", "quizShowTimer":"1", "quizQuestionTransitionType":"curl", "quizAnswersTransitionType":"curl", "quizImageCornerRadius":"10", "quizFontColorQuestions":"#FFFFFF", "quizButtonColorAnswers":"#660000", "quizQuestionFontSizeSmallDevice":"20", "quizButtonFontSizeSmallDevice":"20", "quizQuestionFontSizeLargeDevice":"50", "quizButtonFontSizeLargeDevice":"40", "backgroundColor":"#FF9900","dataURL":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/php/lokoquizz.php?id=quizz001"}},{"itemId":"lokoquizz002", "itemType":"BT_menuItem", "titleText":"Quizz 02 - Qual o país?", "loadScreenObject":{"itemId":"quizz002", "itemType":"BT_screen_quiz", "itemNickname":"quizz002", "navBarTitleText":"Descubra o país", "navBarStyle":"solid", "cacheWebImages":"1", "quizRandomizeQuestions":"1", "quizShowCorrectAnswers":"0", "quizRewardIfPointsOver":"30000", "quizSoundEffectFileNameCorrect":"right.mp3", "quizShowTimer":"1", "quizQuestionTransitionType":"curl", "quizAnswersTransitionType":"curl", "quizImageCornerRadius":"10", "quizFontColorQuestions":"#FFFFFF", "quizButtonColorAnswers":"#660000", "quizQuestionFontSizeSmallDevice":"20", "quizButtonFontSizeSmallDevice":"20", "quizQuestionFontSizeLargeDevice":"50", "quizButtonFontSizeLargeDevice":"40", "backgroundColor":"#FF9900","dataURL":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/php/lokoquizz.php?id=quizz002"}},{"itemId":"lokoquizz003", "itemType":"BT_menuItem", "titleText":"Quizz 03 - Qual o estilo?", "loadScreenObject":{"itemId":"quizz003", "itemType":"BT_screen_quiz", "itemNickname":"quizz003", "navBarTitleText":"Descubra o estilo", "navBarStyle":"solid", "cacheWebImages":"1", "quizRandomizeQuestions":"1", "quizShowCorrectAnswers":"0", "quizRewardIfPointsOver":"30000", "quizSoundEffectFileNameCorrect":"right.mp3", "quizShowTimer":"1", "quizQuestionTransitionType":"curl", "quizAnswersTransitionType":"curl", "quizImageCornerRadius":"10", "quizFontColorQuestions":"#FFFFFF", "quizButtonColorAnswers":"#660000", "quizQuestionFontSizeSmallDevice":"20", "quizButtonFontSizeSmallDevice":"20", "quizQuestionFontSizeLargeDevice":"50", "quizButtonFontSizeLargeDevice":"40", "backgroundColor":"#FF9900","dataURL":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/php/lokoquizz.php?id=quizz003"}},{"itemId":"lokoquizz004", "itemType":"BT_menuItem", "titleText":"Quizz 04 - Qual o copo?", "loadScreenObject":{"itemId":"quizz004", "itemType":"BT_screen_quiz", "itemNickname":"quizz004", "navBarTitleText":"Descubra o copo", "navBarStyle":"solid", "cacheWebImages":"1", "quizRandomizeQuestions":"1", "quizShowCorrectAnswers":"0", "quizRewardIfPointsOver":"30000", "quizSoundEffectFileNameCorrect":"right.mp3", "quizShowTimer":"1", "quizQuestionTransitionType":"curl", "quizAnswersTransitionType":"curl", "quizImageCornerRadius":"10", "quizFontColorQuestions":"#FFFFFF", "quizButtonColorAnswers":"#660000", "quizQuestionFontSizeSmallDevice":"20", "quizButtonFontSizeSmallDevice":"20", "quizQuestionFontSizeLargeDevice":"50", "quizButtonFontSizeLargeDevice":"40", "backgroundColor":"#FF9900","dataURL":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/php/lokoquizz.php?id=quizz004"}}]} <lokoquizz.php> URL with id=quizz001: http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/php/lokoquizz.php?id=quizz001 It creates 15 child items from the database. If I use imageURLSmallDevice field the images are not loaded from the URL, I checked the image is there in that URL. If I use imageNameSmallDevice the local images appears in the quizz. {"childItems":[{"itemId":"quizz001q1", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Que cerveja brasileira é essa? Ela tem mandioca de ingrediente.", "correctAnswerText":"Colorado Cauim", "incorrectText1":"Way Amburana Lager", "incorrectText2":"Küd Tangerine", "incorrectText3":"Harboe Bear Beer", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig01.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig01.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q2", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Uma das primeiras cervejas de chocolate produzidas, qual é esta?", "correctAnswerText":"Young's Double Chocolate Stout", "incorrectText1":"Rogue Chocolate Stout", "incorrectText2":"DaDo Bier Double Chocolate Stout", "incorrectText3":"Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig02.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig02.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q3", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Este rótulo com a caveira é de que cerveja?", "correctAnswerText":"Rogue Dead Guy Ale", "incorrectText1":"Bodebrown Perigosa Imperial IPA", "incorrectText2":"Brewdog Hardcore IPA", "incorrectText3":"Wychwood Hobgoblin", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig03.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig03.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q4", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"De que cerveja é esta estrela do rótulo?", "correctAnswerText":"Sapporo Premium", "incorrectText1":"Tecate", "incorrectText2":"Estrella Galicia Especial", "incorrectText3":"Estrella Damm", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig04.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig04.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q5", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Qual destas belgas tem o D deste rótulo?", "correctAnswerText":"Duvel", "incorrectText1":"Douglas Celtic Red", "incorrectText2":"Delirium Noël", "incorrectText3":"De Ranke Noir De Dottignies", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig05.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig05.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q6", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Esta morena do rótulo é de que cerveja?", "correctAnswerText":"Schmitt La Brunette Stout", "incorrectText1":"Devassa Negra", "incorrectText2":"Vadia Preta", "incorrectText3":"Founders Porter", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig06.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig06.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q7", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Qual destas cervejas IPA tem este rótulo?", "correctAnswerText":"Brewdog Punk IPA", "incorrectText1":"Rogue Brutal IPA", "incorrectText2":"Sixpoint Resin", "incorrectText3":"Founders Centennial IPA", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig07.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig07.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q8", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"O rato deste rótulo é escocês, de qual destas cervejas?", "correctAnswerText":"Harviestoun Bitter & Twisted", "incorrectText1":"Innis & Gunn Original", "incorrectText2":"Jennings Crag Rat", "incorrectText3":"Traquair Jacobite Ale", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig08.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig08.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q9", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Esta é uma clássica brasileira desde 1906, qual é?", "correctAnswerText":"Original", "incorrectText1":"Antarctica", "incorrectText2":"Serramalte", "incorrectText3":"Brahma Chopp", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig09.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig09.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q10", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Qual cerveja escura brasileira tem este rótulo?", "correctAnswerText":"Bohemia Escura", "incorrectText1":"Black Princess", "incorrectText2":"Brahma Bock", "incorrectText3":"Xingu", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig10.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig10.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q11", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Qual alemã tem este rótulo?", "correctAnswerText":"Warsteiner Premium Verum", "incorrectText1":"Kaiserdom Pilsener", "incorrectText2":"König Pilsener", "incorrectText3":"Paulaner Original Münchner", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig11.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig11.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q12", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"Este rótulo é de qual destas francesas?", "correctAnswerText":"La Goudale", "incorrectText1":"Kasteel Cru", "incorrectText2":"Pietra Pietra", "incorrectText3":"Gavroche", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig12.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig12.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q13", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"A coroa neste rótulo é de qual destas mexicanas?", "correctAnswerText":"Corona Extra", "incorrectText1":"Dos Equis", "incorrectText2":"Tecate", "incorrectText3":"Sol Premium", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig13.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig13.jpg"},{"itemId":"quizz001q14", "itemType":"BT_quizQuestion", "questionText":"O rótulo desta é de uma tcheca, qual é?", "correctAnswerText":"Budweiser Budvar", "incorrectText1":"Budweiser", "incorrectText2":"Original", "incorrectText3":"Pilsen Urquell", "imageURLSmallDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig15.jpg", "imageURLLargeDevice":"http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig15.jpg"}]} Thanks!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
05/31/16 06:19 AM (8 years ago)
Hi, I wouldn't post all that here. We just need your logcat info and any errors. @Smug: "rosetta stone" lol LA
Aspiring developer
Posts: 68
Reg: Nov 13, 2012
São Paulo
05/31/16 07:30 AM (8 years ago)
Hi LA, Follow the log in Xcode: 2016-05-31 11:29:21.682 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_menuListSimple: didSelectRowAtIndexPath: Selected Row: 0 2016-05-31 11:29:21.682 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_menuListSimple: handleTapToLoadScreen (super) loading nickname: "quizz001" itemId: quizz001 itemType: BT_screen_quiz 2016-05-31 11:29:21.682 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_application: getViewControllerForScreen nickname: "quizz001" itemId: quizz001 type: BT_screen_quiz 2016-05-31 11:29:21.683 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: INIT 2016-05-31 11:29:21.683 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_navController: pushViewController 2016-05-31 11:29:21.683 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: viewDidLoad 2016-05-31 11:29:21.683 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: viewDidLoad (super) 2016-05-31 11:29:21.687 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_viewUtilities: getQuizToolBarForScreen with nickname: "quizz001" and itemId: quizz001 and type: BT_screen_quiz 2016-05-31 11:29:21.687 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_viewUtilities: setting quiz tool-bar background color: #FF9900 2016-05-31 11:29:21.687 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_menuListSimple: viewWillDisappear (super) 2016-05-31 11:29:21.688 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_menuListSimple: fadeOutOnExit (super): 2016-05-31 11:29:21.876 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: viewWillAppear (super) 2016-05-31 11:29:21.877 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: configureNavBar (super) for screen with itemId: quizz001 2016-05-31 11:29:21.877 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_viewUtilities: getNavBarBackgroundColorForScreen: Screen "quizz001" color: #FF9900 2016-05-31 11:29:21.877 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: configureBackground (super) for screen with itemId quizz001: 2016-05-31 11:29:21.877 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_background_view: updateProperties (color and image) for screen with itemId: quizz001: 2016-05-31 11:29:21.878 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_fileManager: File does exist in Xcode bundle: "fundoloko3small.jpg" 2016-05-31 11:29:21.878 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_background_view: "fundoloko3small.jpg" exists in Xcode bundle - not downloading. 2016-05-31 11:29:21.878 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_background_view: setImage 2016-05-31 11:29:21.878 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: fadeInOnEntry (super): 2016-05-31 11:29:21.878 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: viewWillAppear 2016-05-31 11:29:22.385 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: viewWillAppear (super) 2016-05-31 11:29:22.386 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: configureNavBar (super) for screen with itemId: quizz001 2016-05-31 11:29:22.386 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_viewUtilities: getNavBarBackgroundColorForScreen: Screen "quizz001" color: #FF9900 2016-05-31 11:29:22.386 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: configureBackground (super) for screen with itemId quizz001: 2016-05-31 11:29:22.386 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_background_view: updateProperties (color and image) for screen with itemId: quizz001: 2016-05-31 11:29:22.386 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_fileManager: File does exist in Xcode bundle: "fundoloko3small.jpg" 2016-05-31 11:29:22.387 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_background_view: "fundoloko3small.jpg" exists in Xcode bundle - not downloading. 2016-05-31 11:29:22.387 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_background_view: setImage 2016-05-31 11:29:22.387 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: fadeInOnEntry (super): 2016-05-31 11:29:22.387 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: viewDidAppear 2016-05-31 11:29:22.488 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: loadData 2016-05-31 11:29:22.489 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: the quiz screen does not have a childItems[] array 2016-05-31 11:29:22.489 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_fileManager: File does exist in cached directory: "screenData_quizz001.txt" 2016-05-31 11:29:22.489 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: parsing previsouly cached quiz questions 2016-05-31 11:29:22.490 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_fileManager: readTextFileFromCacheWithEncoding: "screenData_quizz001.txt" encoding: -1 2016-05-31 11:29:22.490 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: parseScreenData 2016-05-31 11:29:22.491 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: layoutScreen 2016-05-31 11:29:24.088 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: startQuiz 2016-05-31 11:29:28.089 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: countdownToStartDone 2016-05-31 11:29:28.089 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: transitionQuestion 2016-05-31 11:29:28.090 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: setQuestionImage: 2016-05-31 11:29:28.090 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_fileManager: File does exist in Xcode bundle: "blank.png" 2016-05-31 11:29:28.090 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: setQuestionImage: Thanks!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 68
Reg: Nov 13, 2012
São Paulo
05/31/16 07:35 AM (8 years ago)
<duplicated answer>
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
05/31/16 09:30 AM (8 years ago)
So, from this line, it looks like the JSON isn't quite right: 2016-05-31 11:29:22.489 lokobeer[5505:230390] BT_screen_quiz: the quiz screen does not have a childItems[] array For whatever reason, it's not able to construct the quiz because it's expecting a different JSON structure. But, oddly enough, I ran it through jsonlint.com and it all validated! Still, though, the plugin seems to be expecting things in a different manner. Mark
Aspiring developer
Posts: 68
Reg: Nov 13, 2012
São Paulo
05/31/16 10:55 AM (8 years ago)
Hi Mark, All details from the child items loads except the image from the external url. It's strange that the error message you pointed out indicates no child items. Thanks!
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/31/16 11:32 PM (8 years ago)
I'm not getting any images just using the URL... I copied and pasted a few from the above json, such as: http://lokobeer.com.br/lokobeer/img/lokoquizz/quiz01fig02.jpg but I come up empty. That's where I'd start. Make sure it works in the desktop browser, and the app 'should' follow relatively painlessly. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 68
Reg: Nov 13, 2012
São Paulo
06/01/16 08:49 AM (8 years ago)
Hi Smug, I'm able to see the images in the URLs, I tried from different computers and networks. But as you were not able, I will try to host it in a different location and then test and check if there's some routing problem to reach the URL of that image. Thanks.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
06/01/16 10:29 AM (8 years ago)
Hmm... if you can see it, but I cannot, that does make for an interesting conundrum. You should probably know that I can't reach "http://lokobeer.com.br" either, so it might not be your configuration, but a routing issue. If you can see the image using a desktop browser (your development machine, probably) your simulator/emulator would probably work. That could confirm your app configuration. Does your mobile device use the same network as your desktop, or a different network (such as your cellular carrier) ? Try using the browser on your mobile device to view the image; that could also assist in narrowing down the problem. Can any other BT member pull up the images? My being in Guam isn't always the best location for rating a network, lol! Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 68
Reg: Nov 13, 2012
São Paulo
06/01/16 01:05 PM (8 years ago)
Hi Smug, I tested now the image URL in the browser of the mobile device where the app is installed and it worked. The image is hosted in the same server/domain of the php files that are creating the JSON file of the Interactive Quiz, but only the image is not shown while executing the quiz, all other data is shown correctly. Thanks for testing and help!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
06/01/16 01:13 PM (8 years ago)
Now that we've verified the image is available online, can you post debug info from the time that you try to load the quiz and the first image does not appear? That way we have a current snapshot of any errors. Thanks! Mark
Aspiring developer
Posts: 68
Reg: Nov 13, 2012
São Paulo
06/01/16 01:24 PM (8 years ago)
Hi Mark, Ok, I will get the log while testing in the same situation. I will be able to get this log only late at night or tomorrow morning, Xcode is in my home computer and I will get there late today. Thanks!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
06/01/16 01:25 PM (8 years ago)
Sounds good...we'll be here!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 68
Reg: Nov 13, 2012
São Paulo
06/03/16 06:32 AM (8 years ago)
Hi, I was not able to get the log from the app running in the mobile device, XCode in old OSX 10.9 that I'm running doesn't accept newest iOS version of the mobile. I will plan the upgrade of OSX/XCode. But checking the log while running the app in XCode device simulator the exact same situation happens: I can reach the image URL from that computer normally. Running the quizz, all questions and related data appears coorectly, but only the image of each quzz is not loaded. In the log, the same appears: BT_screen_quiz: the quiz screen does not have a childItems[] array Thanks!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
06/06/16 11:30 AM (8 years ago)
Well, it would seem then that the issue is related to how the JSON is constructed. Though it's "valid" JSON, from a technical perspective, the Buzztouch code must be looking for it in a particular way. What I would do is use the Quiz plugin without feeding it anything from a script...just configure the quiz and images via the plugin, ensure that it works, and then compare the JSON from the config file to what you're generating. That way you can get a better feel for what may be amiss. If they end up being exactly the same in structure and syntax, then it would seem the answer lies elsewhere. Thanks! Mark

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