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Code is Art
Posts: 159
Reg: Jul 16, 2014
04/19/16 09:06 PM (8 years ago)

Version Number - maximum size?

I'm wanting to base my version number on a PHP date stamp either 1335939007 or 20160420 If necessary either could be turned into decimals by dividing by 100, 1000 etc 1335.939007 or 2016.0420 My goal is to have a version that reflects the most recent change of the content in the app - and one that can be generated. Is there any reason why the Buzztouch engine would object to either format?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
04/19/16 10:24 PM (8 years ago)
For the most part, no. But that doesn't mean that now or later some other force might not be at work. From time to time, what 'looks' right to me doesn't work in php... So I tend to steer clear of certain punctuations in lieu of what might be odd, but workable. Most of the time when I've had or seen PHP/Json issues, it's always the use of syntax... Quotes, commas, periods, and such I try to leave out of anything that isn't code. I try to use other punctuations, such as the 'pipe' (|) as a separator of values. So far this looks odd, but works in every script I've used it in... and it's an easy thing to separate if you need to parse the values... Just my 2¢ Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 159
Reg: Jul 16, 2014
04/20/16 12:05 AM (8 years ago)
Thanks, I'm confident with the php/json - but still unfamiliar with the number casting within java etc and didn't want to pass a number that was too big.

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