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Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
03/23/16 09:36 AM (8 years ago)

Which plugins work nowadays?

I tried to update some of my iOS apps: among other plugins I used Scratch Feature plugin which worked fine year or two ago. If I use it now in my updated app, I got many errors. I am worried what is the future of BT, because now I don't know which plugins work or not. If my client ask me in near future to update app, what shall I say? That plugin doesn't work? Are you aware what this means?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
03/23/16 11:32 AM (8 years ago)
Hello, This is a challenge indeed. Plugin developers are responsible for making sure their plugins work with the latest BT core and updated iOS code. Not all of them, myself included, keep things up to date as we ought to. With respect to the plugin you are using, are you getting Warnings or Errors? Warnings don't generally prevent you from compiling, and can be temporarily ignored. They usually just point to deprecated code that will have to be fixed someday. Errors generally prevent the app from compiling, and need to be fixed before you can proceed. It is a bit of a gamble using plugins for customer apps. Perhaps before selling an app like that, you should contact the plugin developer and make sure they are still interested in addressing issues. That way you at least know if they are still engaged or not. Mark
I hate code!
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Reg: Dec 28, 2010
Montreux Switze...
03/23/16 02:38 PM (8 years ago)
Hi Miku, Not sure if this may help you... In my projects, I always compile all the plugins I have, not only the ones that are used in the app. Just in case... So... check this: http://www.fusions.ch/downloads/plugins.png My current project is ok when compiling with all these plugins in Xcode 6.4 with a deployment target of iOS 7.0. Many warnings but no error. (I presume that, if I used all of them in the app, the project would be ok?... but I only use some - no scratch screen.) I stick on Xcode 6.4 and iOS 7.0 because of issues with Xcode 7 (and I'm not enough into code to debug). If you have to update old apps, maybe targetting iOS 7.0 would be ok? Cheers Jack
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
03/24/16 09:20 AM (8 years ago)
Mark, I receive Errors (11), not warnings. And I wonder if it is gamble using plugins for customer apps, what else should I use? Is BT plugins suitable only for "non-serious" apps, which are only for my personal use? If someone wants me to build app for him, BT is too low? I am really confused after almost 2 years of using BT. Jack, targeting iOS 7.0 doesn't help.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
03/24/16 09:40 AM (8 years ago)
It totally depends on the plugins. Some are super basic, and don't do a ton. Others are very advanced and pretty powerful. And, of course, the code is open and you can modify it any way you wish. Bottom line, though, is it would be very, very difficult to use BT without using plugins, because that's how BT is structured. But, you can also just extend the current code to do what you want! Mark
Veteran developer
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Reg: Oct 13, 2012
03/24/16 10:25 AM (8 years ago)
>I receive Errors (11), not warnings Instead of this general discussion, why don't you put here some -- output from console, -- some images of your errors and -- any other information that we could use to help you debug the code?
Red Dog
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 805
Reg: Jun 16, 2011
Southern Califo...
03/25/16 02:28 PM (8 years ago)
Hi Miku. I am using the scratcher plugin in my "Pets 411" app with no problems. It was compiled in xCode 7 and my iOS is 9.3. I don't remember changing any of the plugin's code, but I can check. Agree with Dusko. Post your errors and let us help.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
03/26/16 02:33 AM (8 years ago)
Thanks guys, it was only my mistake, which I found. Now plugin works.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
03/28/16 05:12 PM (8 years ago)
I'm still around in the background, just not active much in the forum directly. All of my plugins work. As far as my plugins, anything that doesn't work either gets updated or pulled, so if it's from me in the plugin market, it's functional.

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