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Code is Art
Posts: 119
Reg: Jan 01, 2012
Atlanta, GA
02/16/12 12:16 PM (12 years ago)

View Counts and Install Counts

Is there a way to count not only views but sessions in BT Server. i.e. App Views: 4,000 Unique Installs: 2,000? I am trying to determine how many page views I am averaging per install. I know I can look at my download counts on iTunes but would like to see it all in one control panel. When am app sends a Report to Cloud URL does the information from that request get committed to the database? If so, what table?
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
02/16/12 09:13 PM (12 years ago)
Good question: There are all sorts of neat screens and analytical type reports that could be created using the data in bt_api_requests table. You could... a) Create a custom .php page (put it in the /files/custom folder so it doesn't get overwritten when an update is released) then point to it by adding a menu item (admin panel allows you to create links in app panels) to load your custom php page. This php page would query the api_requests table for UNIQUE deviceId's b) Use your favorite mySQL admin tool and export the bt_api_requests table and drag the data into a spreadsheet program?
Code is Art
Posts: 119
Reg: Jan 01, 2012
Atlanta, GA
02/16/12 10:36 PM (12 years ago)
Will do, after some digging today I have been working on some new PHP for it. Thanks for the recommendation as to where to put it.
Apple Fan
Posts: 12
Reg: Jan 13, 2012
03/10/12 09:44 AM (12 years ago)
Heres a method I've used on all my apps. Sign up to Statcounter (www.statcounter.com - its free unless you want to increase your log size). You can monitor as many of your 'pages' as you wish. Use a separate project for each app. (1) Create a new project in Statcounter (2) Click the 'Default installation' which shows the javascript you need to install on your page (3) Copy the code (4) Paste this code at the bottom of your page just before the </body> tag. On the BT this simply means pasting the code at the bottom the html source code Thats it. The only thin it will not do is tell you if it is a new install. For this I guess iTunes Connect is the best bet but the metrics you can get from stat counter are extremely good. It's 'real-time' monitoring save for a second or so for the sat counter server to catch up.

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