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Code is Art
Posts: 115
Reg: Jan 11, 2012
Brisbane austra...
02/16/12 03:43 AM (12 years ago)

I use fake rectangle button images over transparent menu buttons. Works on iphone, but moves in ipad

Hi. As the title suggests. I have created a button menu and have used a background image to make it appear that the buttons are rectangle. Over the top I have the buttons which lead to other pages, etc, but they are transparent. This method has been used by others here as it was on the forum that I got the idea from. Trouble is : When checking that it runs on an ipad (which is necessary for uploading the app) the image centres in the middle of the ipad correctly, but the buttons go all the way to the top of the ipad which means the background image buttons do not work any more. I hope that made sense. Any help would be appreciated. Christine
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
02/16/12 07:48 AM (12 years ago)
I've used this technique in android and it works great until I rotate the device. I have a graphics in mind that should work with the technique which I've called ''Floating Bottons'', but it's not functional for most situations given the various screen sizes and screen layouts. I have this technique displayed in my Guide to Buzztouch and implemented in my Mobile Buzz app. For rectangular button you'll need to follows David's suggestions about getting into the source code and changing the width of the button boxes. So far I haven't done this but I haven't seen another method that will work successfully across all devices abdroid layouts. The only alternative would be HTML. The trick is to successfully jump back into the app after a button is selected. Fred
Code is Art
Posts: 115
Reg: Jan 11, 2012
Brisbane austra...
02/16/12 09:20 PM (12 years ago)
Hi Fred. Thanks for writing back. I had a total blonde moment. My problem was I was using the same template for small device as big device. DOH! I don't really feel comfortable with the solution as a whole and I question how Apple will feel about it when I submit the app. Time will tell. Long term though I will still need to change the code to get proper buttons functioning as they should. I am quite keen to get one published though as I have worked on this for many nights and need a 'win'. Thanks for your input.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
02/16/12 09:23 PM (12 years ago)
Yeah, I'm about to publish a couple apps and I find myself fixing things I hadn't thought of. Fred
I hate code!
Posts: 18
Reg: Dec 01, 2011
Laguna Beach
01/03/13 01:22 AM (11 years ago)
Hey Fred, do you have a link where David talks about making a rectangle button? I'm stuck on this right now. Thanks, Steve

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