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I hate code!
Posts: 193
Reg: Mar 07, 2013
Pune ,India
05/08/15 04:11 PM (9 years ago)

starting with ios

hello i am starting with ios apps this month The scene is bit bad in india (where i live ) macbooks are not common i was only aware you need a mac to build ios apps i found a good deal on ebay - i purchased it . http://www.ebay.com/itm/Apple-MacBook-Core2Duo-2-4Ghz-2GB-RAM-160GB-HD-13-MB403LL-A/131333311291?_trksid=p2045573.c100033.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131017132637%26meid%3D9d1aebb88dfb457f8c8f7261a0d9baf2%26pid%3D100033%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26mehot%3Dpp%26sd%3D131333311291 my sister will be coming to india and bring along my laptop in a week One developer told me that with this macbook - i cannot submit apps to apple is this true, is there a workaround ? can i atleast work with buzztouch apps ?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/08/15 07:11 PM (9 years ago)
Sadly, no. The laptop in the link above is a MacBook, built in early 2008 or so... According to Apple: effective February 15th, 2015, you cannot submit apps to the store that were developed using an SDK prior to iOS 8. And that Mac cannot run the required software for the current versions. I suppose you 'could' get an older version of xcode, and play with old BTv2 projects, but that really wouldn't do you any good. Although 'some' 2008 Macs will work, those will be made with the Aluminum body, not the white plastic of the above mentioned model. http://www.macworld.co.uk/feature/mac-software/will-your-mac-run-os-x-1010-yosemite-3521736/ Sorry to be the one to tell you bad news. No workaround other than getting another Mac. Cheers! -- Smug

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