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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 348
Reg: Apr 03, 2012
04/01/15 11:08 AM (9 years ago)

Buzztouch for Apple Watch

Will BT Central, Buzztouch in general, or an additional BT paid service deliver Apple Watch development solutions sometime this year? What is the timeframe? Would pre-sales help? e.g. https://thegrid.io/#30247 has been very successful at pre-selling annual subscriptions before product launch! This would be a great $15/month add on for Buzztouch? Also, I believe getting something out quickly that isn�t perfect would be much better in this instance!
Conx2share game ap...
Android Fan
Posts: 4
Reg: Mar 28, 2015
04/07/15 08:26 AM (9 years ago)
How nice and cute.

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