Discussion Forums  >  Self Hosted Control Panels

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Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
12/06/15 11:42 PM (8 years ago)

Downloading project zip problem

Hi, I'm new here so first off, 'Hello everyone'. I've been having great fun for the last couple of days getting my head around installing the Control Panel on my own server. I can get almost everything working but one thing, and I just can't figure it out myself. the problem occurs after I prepare the published project for the zip download. The resulting download has the .php extension, but inside, the code is definitely not php. Has this happened to any of you guys before? If so, how did you manage to resolve it? Any help will be much appreciated. Mick
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/07/15 01:24 AM (8 years ago)
Well, have you done all the API key stuff? https://www.buzztouch.com/account/selfHosted.php That's a biggie. Also, just the 'installation' isn't everything. You'll still need to edit a few values in 'config.php' which should be found on the root of your self hosted install. (be sure to delete the 'install' directory when you're done!). While you're in there, change the version to '3.0.0' so it'll be pretty on the web pages :) An important value (well, really... aren't they *all* important?) is the 'file path' which needs to be a 'real' path, not a virtual path. I use hostgator, and the path to your host is in the control panel display on the left... Wherever you are, it should be displayed... if not, you can always ask your host. It's kind of abbreviated, but that's pretty much it... until the next thing, lol! :) Feel free to ask pretty much anything BT related; someone is always happy to help. In the interim, the outdated but useful manual is located here: http://www.buzztouch.com/docs/v1.5/ GoNorthWest has some excellent videos on his YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNorthWest and a lot of different stuff in the 'how to' section: https://www.buzztouch.com/resources But when you can't find the answer, the forum is the place to be. Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
12/07/15 02:27 AM (8 years ago)
Thanks, Smug. The videos will be helpful, thanks for the link. I have all the correct settings done in the config.php and installed some additional plugins from my Buzztouch account into my own hosting CP. Everything seems to be working just fine but the project .zip that you're supposed to download isn't a .zip file, it has a .php extension. If I change the file extension from .php to .zip in the 'save as' window then it downloads as a zip file but with corruptions. I'll get to the bottom of this eventually. Thanks. Mick
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
12/07/15 03:07 AM (8 years ago)
Welcome to Buzztouch Mick It sounds to me this is a set-up problem, which happens a reasonable amount when you set up self hosting but normally people goes through this once, and so long ago that nobody remembers what they had to do to fix it! I had a quick peek in the self hosted section of the forum. Could be authentication or some kind of host port blocking. The next two posts after yours might be worth digging into. Good luck. Cheers, Alan
Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
12/09/15 02:51 AM (8 years ago)
I've made a small test app in my own self hosted control panel, and I've made exactly the same app using my Buzztouch control panel. Both the resulting apps were very different... The app built on buzz touch gave me a .zip containing the app files, Gradle build etc, and all worked well when opened in Android Studio. The app built on my hosting downloaded (after changing the extension for .php to .zip) but without some of the files. All I got was the app folder. No gradle files. I can only conclude that something is going wrong in the 'packaging' process when using my own hosting. I assumed that having linked my hosting panel with my buzz touch control panel, that the packaging process would be done on the buzz touch end then sent back to my own hosting CP. Am I wrong about that? Is there any settings in the file set that should be edited for this to work? Thanks. Mick
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/09/15 03:29 AM (8 years ago)
Oh that? That's the way it is, I'm afraid. Somewhere there is a post about that. The 'BT' Control panel has download options for Android Studio; Self Hosted (at this time) does not. For self hosted, we download as an eclipse project, and import into Android Studio. However, there should be a complete (eclipse style) Android project inside the zip file... GoNorthWest has a few videos dedicated to this process for a few different operating systems. There are plans for self hosted to 'match' BT, as of yet those plans have not been implemented. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
12/09/15 05:27 AM (8 years ago)
I can't cover off Android Studio issues, but I believe the fact that you are not downloading a file in .zip format definitely points to an error in your self-hosted set-up.
Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
12/09/15 04:19 PM (8 years ago)
I think you're probably right, Alan. Is there a list of 'Requirements' anywhere that I can read? If I can find out the minimum system requirements for installing the self hosted bundle, that would help too. Cheers. Mick
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
12/10/15 11:45 AM (8 years ago)
Not something I personally know much about, but I would check out the howtos (definitely something there) and the forums. Alan
Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
12/10/15 12:59 PM (8 years ago)
Thanks for the suggestion, Alan. I've read all the how-tos and watched all the videos and was glad to see there is so much information there. I'll go through them once more to see if I can spot something I maybe missed first time round. I have installed my CP on a sub-domain at the moment, but I think I'll do a fresh install in a /buzztouch folder rather than a sub-domain. Maybe that will make a difference. I'll let you know how it goes. Cheers. Mick
Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
12/11/15 03:36 PM (8 years ago)
I'm really stuck. I've went through all the help docs that I can find as well as checking out the (excellent btw) videos. I've even done a fresh install but not in a sub-domain this time. I've edited the config file with the new details from my buzztouch CP, and created an app. The same kind of scenario arises whereby I'm not offered a .zip in the download window, I'm offered a .php filetype. Changing the extension to .zip does download a .zip file, but again, with corruption errors. Extracting the archive shows me the build files, but again, no gradle. I really need some help getting this to work, and would greatly appreciate if one of you guys can have a look at my install and how it links to my buzztouch CP. I'm not against forking out a few bucks in order to get this working correctly. Any takers? Cheers. Mick
Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
12/14/15 12:20 PM (8 years ago)
Is there anyone willing to help me get this working properly? I really am at a loss here. I have 4 servers at my disposal and can't get this to work properly on any of them. Thanks. Mick
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/14/15 10:33 PM (8 years ago)
If you're self hosted, you won't get gradle files... Self hosted Android projects are still in 'Eclipse' format, which means you'll have to import them into Android studio until David sync's up the BT hosted functionality with the Self Hosted. That said, you've still got issues; seems like the 'mime type' or paths is still not correct, or something... PSMDanny was the 'official' BT Self Hosted guru; if he's available, and you guys can come to terms, there is no one better. Communication will not be an issue. For the moment, If you've installed it on all those servers, and it still is not working, then I'd take BT out of the equation for a moment. Are there any other packages running on those servers? Joomla, Word Press, PhpBB, any other kind of 'CMS' going? What version of PHP? What are your PHP Settings? what version of MySQL? What webserver are you running? Is this 'your' server, or is it hosted elsewhere? When I was a younger man, I would track down each and every problem for the 'source'. As I'm older, I just get the darn problem fixed, and not worry about what went wrong. What I'm curious is, if you're willing to 'pay' to have the problem fixed, what is your budget? Because many of us are hosted with 'Hostgator' which is about $150 a year. If you were willing to pay that much, you might consider just looking at a different host to get your situation working. Just a thought. Otherwise, see if Danny is willing and available. https://www.buzztouch.com/PSMDanny Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 10
Reg: Dec 04, 2015
12/16/15 11:58 AM (8 years ago)
Thanks again, Smug. I agree with you that it must be something to do with how the servers are set up and not the BT install. There's a couple of days left before the holiday period so I think I'll begin from scratch again. I have a dev facility that I use on Digital Ocean so I'll deploy a different OS, maybe Ubuntu & LAMP and see how it goes from there. All the servers I've tested on so far have been using CENTOS 6.7 x86_64, so maybe the issue lies there. I'd rather give it another test before contacting PSMDanny. Cheers. Mick

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