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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 960
Reg: Oct 20, 2011
11/28/13 02:44 AM (10 years ago)

Waiting for plugin updates...

Everybody knows I love Buzztouch (who doesn't?), but the glacial speed at which updates occur is becoming a little discouraging. I was so fired up to start building apps using the new iOS 3.0 core, but now I realize I need to wait on plugin developers to each do their own respective plugin updates Every app I make uses the interactive quiz and mac image gallery plugins, but unfortunately both of those plugins seem to have a lot of issues with iOS 7 and the 3.0 core that are beyond my understanding..both plugins are pretty much unusable. So, where do I go from here...just keep waiting? Waiting is a painful thing because I have no idea if MacApple is working on updating his plugin as I type this, or if he couldn't care less about updating it any time soon. I don't know if what I'm waiting for will be here in a week or in two months. Is anybody in the same boat as me, or am I just being a downer? I hope this post doesn't come off as TOO groany. I guess I'm mainly just frustrated at myself for becoming dependent on Buzztouch as a source of income, and the past two months of waiting for a core update has made me realize just how dependent I am Despite all of that, I just want to remind anybody reading this that I am still crazy about Buzztouch, and I have nothing but respect and appreciation for David Book and the rest of the team. This site has allowed me to make a living working at home and have fun doing it...crazy
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
11/28/13 03:22 AM (10 years ago)
*EDITED* Sorry guys, I pulled an all nighter trying to get things working with the plugins in the new 3.0 core... just isn't happening. At least not with Menu with Image, which is what my app is 90% based off of. I was tired, I was cranky, I was frustrated... and mostly...I hadn't had my coffee yet. I decided to pull my previous rant... but bottom line Absentia, I feel your pain... especially since we paid good money for the plugins and yearly buzztouch membership, without being able to use them to create a functional product for our customers for the past several months since iOS7. David, and the rest of team, We truly appreciate your efforts, and thanks for doing everything in your power to get everything going again. I just think the plugin authors need to take a page from your book sometimes, and make sure their stuff is working by the time a new core comes out, or have their app suspended until they do. MOST of the other plugin authors have done a good job... even though my app is crippled and the layout is screwed up, etc, I was able to get far enough into my app to see most of my plugins working. Youtube, thumb viewer, carrousel, html pro, and others are all working fine from what I can tell. Thanks guys, we appreciate it. There just seems to be a handful of plugins that are totally unusable. I think I'm going to have to go back to 2.19 and just deal with making a bunch of manual edits in xcode to get things to a half-way usable state until things get ironed out. Off for more coffee and to start the turkey.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
11/28/13 07:00 AM (10 years ago)
I feel your pain. Maybe for the next update the BT guys could synch their effort with the plugin developers to release it all at the same time? I know, that's asking a lot. :) Right now I feel like the time I bought my first DVD player when I had only tapes to play. Saying that, I am sure that the developers are working on it. They probably have received messages and will keep receiving them until their plugin is BT3.0 compliant. It's good to keep in mind that it is all very recent. Lastly, everything is relative. I very much rely on BT for my income BUT what they charge us (in my view) in ridiculously low. This doesn't mean the quality should be too (which is good since it isn't) but I am happy to cut them some slack. But an update on plugin would be more than welcome :) Susan and David organized a plugin dev webminar yesterday, I am sure that they talked about upgrading plugins. News anyone? Farcat PS: I am not touching BTv3 with a barge pole until the plugins I need are updated.
Veteran developer
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Reg: Oct 19, 2013
11/28/13 07:15 AM (10 years ago)
Hi Absentia & Angry Ninja, although I am a newbie in the Buzztouch community and I have no running projects like you yet, I absolutely understand your arguments. As I try to learn and understand the Buzztouch system right now, I have some frustrations on a different level. If I get an error message... did I use the system incorrectly... or is it an incompatibility? Your post reminds me of a discussion I had with Susan on plugins and the plugin market. Last year I was a member of Amish Shah's "App Code" course on app development & marketing. While Amish Shah had used different app makers in the beginning (e. g., appmakr) he turned to Buzztouch in the second year. After joining the Buzztouch community I looked back in my App Code account and saw that I was allowed to use all plugins for free. I don´t know what kind of agreement had been made between Buzztouch/David and the App Code team. But there might be some kind of self-hosted server solution... and the plugins might have been provided for several hundred users of the App Code course for free. Why do I mention this...? Is it possible that developing and maintaining plugins is less profitable than expected? You may sell some plugins here and there... but the majority of users might use your plugins without paying for them via a self-hosted server? I guess that the open and helpful spirit may be part of the attractiveness of Buzztouch. But we might all think about whether the service that David, his team and all the plugin developers provide might be worth much more than the "good money" we pay. Shouldn't we be willing to pay much more if we expect a faster update of all relevant components? If I would be able to "make a living" from this site, I would definitely want to pay more for the Buzztouch membership and the plugins. Thomas
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
11/28/13 07:28 AM (10 years ago)
Yes, I agree, and I wasn't saying that it's not good value for the money, because it certainly is. I was just bringing up the fact that if we pay for 12 months, and for the plugins to use, it's kind of a bummer when we can only use it for 9, without all of the parts. I didn't mean to make it sound like price was the issue, or that I was feeling "cheated" or anything like that. More or less pointing out that it's not like a free service that often have their plugins left in the dust because, hey, they were free to begin with, so if it's not updated, oh well (joomla plugins for example... when Joomla has a major upgrade that leaves plugins requiring an update... many of the non-commercial plugins just fall off the face of the earth and the developer doesn't want to mess with it anymore). Don't get me wrong, I LOVE buzztouch. I'd be helpless without it. I had simply just spent 8 hours trying to get something pieced together that looked like it did yesterday, and the lack of sleep was the driving force behind my unintentional tone of the message I believe. I was feeling like a kid that opened the hottest new toy on christmas morning, only to find that nobody thought to buy me the batteries, and all the stores are closed. I truly respect and value everything that David and all the plugin authors do here. Without them, we'd all be in a pickle. There was not an intentional tone to the message. You know how it is after you've pulled an all nighter, only to see the sun come up and you're at the exact same point you were the night before, despite all your efforts. That being said, It would be nice to see some sort of compatibility field in the plugin store, kind of like what Joomla does, where it would have two different icons next to the plugin... one that says "BT 2.19 Compatible" and one that says "BT 3.0 Compatible", so that we know which ones have been updated and which ones have not. I assumed before beginning my upgrade that ALL plugins available on the site had been updated, which was why the new core had been released. I actually thought thats what was causing the delay to release the new core. Had I known that the plugin I use the most in my app wasn't ready yet, I would have waited, and probably would have gotten a good nights sleep last night, haha.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
11/28/13 07:30 AM (10 years ago)
The image gallery should be updated this week, final few tweaks will see it complete before the week is out, you have my word. @Absentia - Will reply to your message shortly. @Angry Ninja - MacImage gallery is $2.99, same a coffee from Starbucks but has the ability to work from iOS 4 up through 7. A Bargain for such a slick plugin that has ALWAYS worked (2.5 yrs with only minor tweaks) and has helped 1000's of folks make truly interactive stable galleries, whether local or Flickr. @farcat - Good man. Appreciate the support. I don't get rich of this and when you see $20-$30 plugins in the market I still think the gallery is one of the best value for money out there. Back to working, no turkey for me. Peace all.
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
11/28/13 07:49 AM (10 years ago)
Can you give a list of broken plugins? Generalizations are hard to discuss, and maybe for some of these we can crowd source the fixes and help speed things up for the developers.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
11/28/13 07:52 AM (10 years ago)
MacImage gallery is all but fixed so cross that one off. As far as I can see from the forum posts 'Menu with Image' would be the main one right now. Chris1, expect a wee email from me shortly about a new plugin. Have a good one all.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
11/28/13 07:53 AM (10 years ago)
Just the ones I know of... Menu With Images Interactive Quiz Mac Image Gallery Not sure what's causing a different issue I'm having with the super tall black bar where the nav bar should be (posted the issue in the other part of the forum)... I don't think it's plugin related, as I get it on MOST of my screens, but not quite all. I think that one might be a core issue. Haven't had a chance to play with many of the others, other than a quick peek at a few select screens just to see if anything popped out at me right away.
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
11/28/13 07:59 AM (10 years ago)
Okay, so let's keep things in perspective. It's been only a day or two since any of us could actually make updates, taking into account some of the bugs/fires David had to put out after the update to the market, and it's a holiday week for most of us. Give me a list of plugin-specific problems and I'll see what I can do.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 28
Reg: Dec 19, 2012
11/28/13 08:03 AM (10 years ago)
I love Buzztouch too, many plugins are very good value for the money. Waiting for upgrade is a real problem for the developer. I am waiting to upgrade all my apps. So we need a centralized list or something to show in the plugins store which one are using the new BuzzTouch 3.0. Future delivery date and compatibility issue with IOS 7.0 will be helpful to. This will help developer to plan ahead and plugins creator to sell more if they are up to date. PS: I am not developing apps with BTv3 until the plugins I need are updated, it does not make sense economically. To all plugins, keep on the good work.
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
11/28/13 08:08 AM (10 years ago)
What plugins are you waiting on? All the ones in the market should be ready, except for maybe the list of 3 above that are having some bugs.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
11/28/13 08:33 AM (10 years ago)
Chris, I have to apologize yet again... I was under the impression that the plugin authors were given 3.0 in advance to allow time to update their plugins. If that's not the case, I'll be the first to admit, we are ALL out of line. You'll have to ask Absentia about the other two, but with Menu With Images, I can only go so deep before I run into errors in the control panel that won't let me proceed any further... but here are the ones right off the bat: 1) When clicking a row in the CP (for one already made), we get: Missing File: "../bt_includes/btSection_screenJson.html”" File not found? (I have not tried making a new one yet) 2) Images in app on left side of menu not loading at all Seemed like there was one other thing, but can't remember it off the top of my head.
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
11/28/13 08:47 AM (10 years ago)
A beta was given out early, but it went through many changes between that and the public release. All of the plugins were edited by David Book to prepare them, although with so many available, it's not surprising a couple bugs were left behind. In software, there's two main models of pushing updates. One is to wait until things are almost perfect and then release a major version update. The second is to get new features out quick and push bug fixes out as they come up. Buzztouch (and most open-sourced software) follows the second model. Part of being in an open-source community is coming together to make the product better.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
11/28/13 08:54 AM (10 years ago)
Good points as always Chris. It's funny. iOS releases (Android as well) all have bugs, issues and what not and who knows what the dev payroll is for Apple and Google, few more staff than BT I'm inclined to think. For over 3 years now the community on here as always been integral in helping with new updates, features and bugs. iOS core got pushed less than 48 hrs ago and with very few issues, a success in my books.
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
11/28/13 09:17 AM (10 years ago)
I don't want to be "that guy" but just to let you guys all know, these few posts were very discouraging to read. The iOS core was only released a few days ago, David updated most if not all of the plugins before the self-serve market was released, you guys need to imagine how much work that is (he had to update over 70 *SEVENTY* plugins to use the new core/plugin structure). Developers have been fast to act with the new self serve to update plugins. Most of the issues everyone has been posting about has not been the plugins itself, but the fact that no-one has been using the correct xcode, core, or havent updated their plugins correctly. At least give it a week after a major release for David and developers to get those updates rolling out and bugs squashed, you guys seem to be asking for a miracle to have everything working smooth & perfectly after 48 hours of one of the biggest buzztouch changes yet (core, self hosted, self serve market, etc). Hope I'm not being too much of a downer either, you guys have good hearts and I know you have nothing more than appreciation for buzztouch like the rest of us, hope you get the just of my message, and keep pulling through with us... everything will be good if we help each other :-) @Angry replied to your other thread! Glad you got it working, let's try and fix the new problem your having now. David https://buzztouchmods.com/market
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
11/28/13 09:21 AM (10 years ago)
alert('User pressed like');
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
11/28/13 09:25 AM (10 years ago)
I updated the Menu with Image last night. The iOS7 code should be good to go, but I am afraid there is still more work to do on the control panel. I found one small problem with the iOS7 core with the description text which I corrected. If you downloaded an earlier version, the description text was covered up a bit. That is fixed now. That is all that was wrong with the code that I could find, though. Everything else seemed to work, so be sure to let me know if the code is not working. One thing that is so great now is that I can update on my own--there is no need to wait when I have an update. The control panel is a different matter. Right now you can add in your rows, but I still need to get the icon and description working. I will be working on it today. It looks like all of the menu plugins with features beyond what is in the Simple Menu may be in the same boat. More to come on this.
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
11/28/13 09:30 AM (10 years ago)
@MacApple it's nice to see you and your wife back in your avatar again, after a few days I was afraid you were sticking to wearing grey! David https://buzztouchmods.com/market
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
11/28/13 09:32 AM (10 years ago)
Ha! Appreciate that mate. Started new job, lots of hours and stress, hate it and has taken up my precious BT time. Thinking I may well just quit and do BT full time. You know me, grey is not my colour. Have a good one today mate, see you in Vegas baby!
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
11/28/13 09:59 AM (10 years ago)
Heck yeah! BT full time all the way. Hope you have a good day too, heading out shortly for a small family dinner. Tofurky, of course. See you in Vegas friend! David https://buzztouchmods.com/market
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
11/28/13 10:06 AM (10 years ago)
The OP is really the reason I'm hesitant to put more code on the BT market. Between iOS updates and BT updates, it is a constant moving target. I've developed more outside BT for the same reason and also because of things like ARC that BT didn't support. There's no guarantees with code I've purchased from Code Canyon or other marketplaces that sell iOS source code. Those are about the same price and they tell you what iOS they are compatible with and devs there also have to do updates. These are the same caveats that come with building any business that relies on services from any other business. Quick example: My buddies biggest retail day is supposed to be tomorrow. The mall he's located in is flooded and has no heat currently. He may be doing no business on his biggest day. Last year his online store crashed and his ISP was down over the same weekend! (This is why he rented a kiosk this year!)
I hate code!
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Reg: Dec 28, 2010
Montreux Switze...
11/28/13 10:48 AM (10 years ago)
[UPDATE] Hi Guys! @MrVanBeveren: David, I agree 200% with you! As a non-coder, I can only guess how nightmarish this upgrade is for all the people involved! Let’s all keep smiling, we should encourage not discourage! @David & the whole BTGang: YOU ROCK!!! @chris1 and @Susan, about the description text issue in Menu with Image: didn’t test Susan’s one, but the issue still exists in chris1’s one (Menu Image Advanced) UPDATE: Menu Image Advanced is coming in the download package now. Two issues: the description text issue is still here - could fix it in CR_menuAdvanced_cell.m by changing the values in [descriptionLabel setContentInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(-5,-5,0,0)]; (-5,-5 and not -8,-8). Second issue: setting a value in CP at List Header Height (number) doesn't change anything. BTW: ML Location Map has not been updated for BT 3.0 UPDATE: Mackimack, who created the plugin, told me: 'I can not update the plugin, the plugin tool is locked for me.' @chris1: I’ve installed self-hosted BT3.0 today. No issue in the install process. But… A big issue when I downloaded an iOS BT3.0 package: I always download the packages with all plugins (just in case, even if I don’t use all of them), but I got only 9 of them (UPDATE: 10) in the package. Here’s the full list (the ones with OK were downloaded, all the other ones were missing): Share via Email Send Email Share via SMS Launch Native App Send SMS Call Us Menu Simple Menu Buttons Buzz Carousel CircleView List Menu -> OK Menu with Image -> OK XIB Button Menu -> OK Animated Circle Menu -> OK Menu Image Advanced -> OK Custom HTML / Text PowerPoint Doc Location Map HTML Doc Excel Doc Word Doc PDF Doc Custom URL Blank Screen AK Countdown Interactive Quiz App Rater MacImage Gallery Blog Pro Thumb Viewer -> OK Weather Email Image Smug's Message Location -> OK HTML Pro NAD Advanced Quiz Custom Location Map JSON Snippet Keeper tM InvisibleFacebook -> OK tM InvisibleTwitter -> OK Device Info Allow GPS Login Screen Splash Screen Animated Splash -> OK Another issue is the bottom tool bar. I’ve installed manually PDF Doc, Custom URL, etc. On these screens, the bottom tool bar remains blank (white, in my project) but functional. I guess the icons are in the system, not in the project, so maybe it’s a BT 3.0 bug? At the moment, these are the only issues I’ve found. Hope it will help! Best greetings to you all! Jack
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
11/28/13 11:18 AM (10 years ago)
Thanks Jack. I'll try to fix the menu image advance plugin tonight if I get some time after family leaves. Your list is a good one. Not sure what's going on yet, but we'll get to the bottom of it. Had anyone else noticed this issue?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 28
Reg: Dec 19, 2012
11/28/13 11:37 AM (10 years ago)
Hi! I understand that it take time and a lot of energy to adjust every thing for BT 3.0 and IOS 7 This is not plugins creator's bashing, it is just a matter of getting the right info and being able to know when we can "play with the new toys". So keep the fantastic work ! As requested, here are the 4 plugin I am waiting for : Interactive Quiz MacImage Gallery NAD Advanced Quiz (not tested yet) Menu with Image (not tested yet) I will do some testing early december and will keep you posted. Thanks to everyone !
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
11/28/13 11:39 AM (10 years ago)
MacImage gallery will be available late today or the wee hours of the morning for iOS 7 and Core 3.0. Will post a thread when it is live.
Code is Art
Posts: 1025
Reg: Jun 07, 2012
11/28/13 12:34 PM (10 years ago)
I'll have the NAD Advanced Quiz ready by the end of Saturday at the latest. Possibly Friday but Saturday at the latest. Though I am not sure why the one David and crew worked on isn't downloading. One good thing about this update is the speed with which developers can fix their plugins. Moving forward it will only take hours or days as opposed to weeks to fix or update plugins.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 960
Reg: Oct 20, 2011
11/28/13 12:50 PM (10 years ago)
@David - you are right, it has only been a week, and the plugin developers deserve some patience while they work things out. I guess I should have been more clear about the source of my frustration - it stems more from not knowing how long the wait will be as opposed to the wait itself. I wish there was some way to get more updates about what is being worked on and when it will be completed, but I suppose that's more easily said than done Waiting for the 3.0 core was a good example of this. We were initially told it would be about a week until it was released, but it ended up being more like two months. I am totally fine with that..I realize some things just take time. The only frustrating thing about it is that there were hardly any progress updates along the way to indicate it would take that long Being a member of Buzztouch is kind of a unique situation. Every service this site provides is so inexpensive and generous that it makes it hard to take the "paying customer" stance. I honestly don't feel like I'm owed anything by David Book or any of the plugin developers, and I don't think anybody should I realize now that Thanksgiving might have been a poor choice for a thread such as this :) I am nothing but thankful for BT and everyone who is a part of the staff and community here. I realize I might just need to work on being more patient, and I should probably stop expecting so much when I have already been given so much. Happy Thanksgiving folks
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Jan 10, 2012
Orange County, ...
11/28/13 01:02 PM (10 years ago)
One reason for all of the anxiety and frustration is because of the waiting and unknown ETAs. I know that David is working hard to get everything done - and it's a huge undertaking - so I waited. I have an app with a custom plugin that I paid $500 to have developed. It works great but I haven't submitted to App store yet because I decided to for 3.0. I can't even think about upgrading until the developer has time to update my plugin. So now I'm waiting again. I thought perhaps I could install the custom plugin in my BT account and try it out 3.0 there. I thought David said we would be able to upload custom plugins to BT accounts? I know it's a lot of work for BT and I have nothing but respect for everyone at BT, but the not knowing is really frustrating.
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
11/28/13 02:00 PM (10 years ago)
@nadthevlad hit the nail on the head about this update. I am still working on my control panel (Menu with Image), but I can just upload and try things to see if it works. It is really a huge step forward for developers to have this much control. So once we get through all of this, we are all going to be flying forward!
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
11/28/13 03:48 PM (10 years ago)
I think I have the Menu with Image working. Let me know if you have problems with it. There is one extra property that doesn't apply that is in it right now--the Search Hint. But it is at the bottom and won't keep you from working. I will start a separate thread on some things I learned along the way.
I hate code!
Posts: 516
Reg: Dec 28, 2010
Montreux Switze...
11/29/13 03:01 AM (10 years ago)
@chris1: thanks for the update of the menu image advanced plugin! - see my updated post up there for 2 issues -
Veteran developer
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Reg: Oct 19, 2013
12/01/13 03:45 PM (10 years ago)
When testing different plugins for Core 3.0 in XCode I noticed some problems. These problems are not critical at the moment for me, but just to report the incompatibilities (if this post will remain the main place to report these problems...) Plugin "Login Screen": (during building process) [appDelegate.rootApp.rootUser setUserId:[[jsonData objectForKey:@"result"] objectForKey:@"userGuid"]]; Error message (6 times): Property 'rootUser' not found on object of type 'BT_application *' Plugin "RD Simple RSS" (during run time) Depending on the RSS feed I get "Data for this screen has not been downloaded" errors. But this may be independent from the Core update. Perhaps I have to learn a bit more about the plugin. Thanks again to all plugin developers! Thomas
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
12/03/13 10:30 AM (10 years ago)
Does anyone have the menu with image icon spinning wheel working? im using an image in xcode nothing downloaded. 3.0 Core, Self-Hosted, iOS and plugin version 2.5. Tested on 6.0, 6.1 and 7.0 thanks!

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