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Veteran developer
Posts: 127
Reg: Oct 19, 2013
05/05/15 08:09 AM (9 years ago)

Thank you... for helping me to start my app business...

Hi everyone, during the last months I followed the Buzztouch forum and the meetings much too seldom. However, the reason for this absence is that I jumped from my clinical job into my app business last months. So I was involved a lot with finishing old projects, going through materials from the last 20 years (OMG why didn't I do that at the appropriate time in the past...) and preparing all those bureaucratic steps that are soooo interesting ;-). The good news is... I am back and I hope that I can catch up with the exciting changes that are going on at Buzztouch. It would be great to listen to a recording of the webinar from April, 22 where David announced changes concerning plugins. Is there a recording of this webinar? This is a great opportunity to say "Thank you" to all of you. Without Buzztouch and the opportunity to join the community and to get in contact with you at Code Camp in Las Vegas I might not have the courage for this step... And of course, the biggest "Thank you"s go to David and Susan. I am currently updating my developer website and looking forward to exciting projects in the future. This is my time! Thomas
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
05/05/15 11:15 AM (9 years ago)
>Is there a recording of this webinar? I am looking for that recording too, without success so far. Otherwise, good luck to you and to you old / new apps business. It is my firm conviction that apps are the business of this decade, so the next couple of months and years should be REALLY interesting!
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
05/05/15 09:57 PM (9 years ago)
That is so cool, Thomas! Great to see you back on the forum. I made that same move almost three years ago now. And I started with almost no coding skills, so you are already ahead of me! I love my new career. I know you will be great! I don't think the webinar was recorded.
Veteran developer
Posts: 127
Reg: Oct 19, 2013
05/06/15 04:17 AM (9 years ago)
Thanks, Susan. Is there a way to get up-to-date on these changes in some way? I listened to the Buzzcast episode where David announced some of the changes... but this information was related partially to David's Buzzcon talk, so it is difficult to get the entire picture... not to mention the plugin-related details. Best wishes Thomas
Code is Art
Posts: 6
Reg: May 06, 2015
05/07/15 05:27 AM (9 years ago)
Congrats best of luck with your buiness

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