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I hate code!
Posts: 24
Reg: Nov 15, 2011
Rio de Janeiro
05/30/13 05:58 PM (11 years ago)

PDFs Crashing again after many clicks

Dear Buzz friends, I'm programming a new app, and maybe because of some buzztouch plugin changes the fix provided by Wolftimj (see the PDF Crashing App Post) some weeks ago don't work anymore, and after some 30 pdf clicks the app crashes. It's an educational app, and the user will have to click many pdfs to see the answers and the exercises. Some suggestions? Thanks!
Jake Chasan
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06/03/13 07:57 AM (11 years ago)
Have you tried to use HTML instead of PDF? (In your case, it may be able to be more interactive) Jake
New Techie
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06/03/13 07:44 PM (11 years ago)
I'm having the same issue but haven't tried the original PDF fix that cajujoe used. I saw in one post that David was working on a fix, has this been taken care of. Would I need to redownload the source code for David's fix? If not could someone post Wolftimj's fix for me to try. If I went from 30 to 100 files before crashing this might suffice. Thanks for your help here. Amie
I hate code!
Posts: 24
Reg: Nov 15, 2011
Rio de Janeiro
06/04/13 10:16 AM (11 years ago)
Dear Jake, I don´t know a good software to make a good html file. I make my pdfs in Microsoft Word or Libre Office then I export the file. The result is good, but I know that html is much more flexible. Amie, if you want I could send you the Wolftimj´s fix that worked a month ago. Just send me your mail via pm. Thanks, and let´s hope that David solves the issue, like he always do.
New Techie
I hate code!
Posts: 26
Reg: Oct 12, 2011
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06/04/13 08:11 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks cajujoe WolfTim already sent the fix and it helped but didn't totally fix, hoping David finds the full fix. Amie

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