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Lost but trying
Posts: 3
Reg: Sep 11, 2012
03/20/13 06:00 AM (11 years ago)

Menu With Image Problem

Hi Guys. When I use the Menu With Image plugin, I get an error message via the Eclipse, Android Virtual Device Manager (The a pplication ..... has stopped unexpectedly). I am using contol panel and not Self Hosted. Eclipse version is 3.7.2 (the latest). This problem only happens when I am using Menu With Image plugin, otherwise the application works fine when I delete Menu With Image plugin. Logcat: 03-20 12:53:31.785: W/ZZ(303): BT_device: This device can take pictures. 03-20 12:53:31.785: W/ZZ(303): BT_device: This device can take videos. 03-20 12:53:31.785: W/ZZ(303): BT_device: This device can send emails. 03-20 12:53:31.806: W/ZZ(303): BT_device: This device is GPS capable. 03-20 12:53:31.806: W/ZZ(303): BT_user: Creating root-user object. 03-20 12:53:31.866: W/ZZ(303): BT_activity_root:onCreate 03-20 12:53:31.965: D/dalvikvm(303): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 1400 objects / 94920 bytes in 55ms 03-20 12:53:31.995: W/ZZ(303): BT_activity_root:loadAppData 03-20 12:53:32.065: W/ZZ(303): BT_device:updateDeviceConnectionType: ConnectionType: CELL 03-20 12:53:32.065: W/ZZ(303): BT_device:updateDeviceSize This device has a screen size of: 480 (width) x 800 (height). 03-20 12:53:32.075: W/ZZ(303): BT_device:updateDeviceSize This application considers this to be a "small device" 03-20 12:53:32.075: W/ZZ(303): BT_device:updateDeviceSize This device is in "portrait" orientation. 03-20 12:53:32.085: W/ZZ(303): BT_activity_root:loadAppData loading BT_config.txt from /assests folder in Eclipse project... 03-20 12:53:32.355: W/ZZ(303): BT_fileManager: readTextFileFromAssets: "/BT_config.txt" 03-20 12:53:32.355: W/ZZ(303): BT_activity_root:loadAppData loaded BT_config.txt from /assets folder successfully... 03-20 12:53:32.396: W/ZZ(303): BT_application: getDataURLFromAppData 03-20 12:53:32.396: W/ZZ(303): BT_activity_root:loadAppData BT_config.txt file does use a dataURL for remote updates... 03-20 12:53:32.415: W/ZZ(303): BT_activity_root:loadAppData cachedAppConfig.txt does not exist in the cache... 03-20 12:53:32.415: W/ZZ(303): BT_application: validateApplicationData 03-20 12:53:32.425: W/ZZ(303): BT_activity_root: application data appears to be valid JSON... 03-20 12:53:32.425: W/ZZ(303): BT_application: parseJSONData 03-20 12:53:32.505: W/ZZ(303): BT_application: parsing core settings... 03-20 12:53:32.505: W/ZZ(303): BT_application: parsing themes... 03-20 12:53:32.505: W/ZZ(303): BT_application: parsing tabs... 03-20 12:53:32.505: W/ZZ(303): BT_application: parsing screens... 03-20 12:53:32.505: W/ZZ(303): BT_application:parseJSONData done parsing application data 03-20 12:53:32.545: W/ZZ(303): BT_activity_root:transitionToAppHomeScreen 03-20 12:53:32.545: W/ZZ(303): BT_activity_root:transitionToAppHomeScreen splash screen with itemId: 775D5D91CBA4736B073C81D 03-20 12:53:32.545: W/ZZ(303): BT_application:getScreenDataByItemId with itemId: = "775D5D91CBA4736B073C81D" 03-20 12:53:32.545: W/ZZ(303): BT_application:getScreenDataByItemId could not find screen with itemId: "775D5D91CBA4736B073C81D" 03-20 12:53:32.545: D/AndroidRuntime(303): Shutting down VM 03-20 12:53:32.566: W/dalvikvm(303): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d800) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): java.lang.NullPointerException 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at com.houseoftest.BT_activity_root.transitionToAppHomeScreen(BT_activity_root.java:198) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at com.houseoftest.BT_activity_root$1.handleMessage(BT_activity_root.java:307) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4627) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:868) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:626) 03-20 12:53:32.605: E/AndroidRuntime(303): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 03-20 12:53:33.115: W/ZZ(303): houseoftest_appDelegate:SoundEffectLoader:doInBackground initSoundEffects 03-20 12:53:33.115: W/ZZ(303): houseoftest_appDelegate:SoundEffectLoader:doInBackground initSoundEffects DISABLED
Aspiring developer
Posts: 73
Reg: Oct 11, 2011
03/20/13 08:11 AM (11 years ago)
Hi @Sezar, Welcome to Buzztouch! From the error log you've posted it looks like it can't find the screen ID you're trying to link to. Can you give more details? i.e, what type of screen it's trying to connect to? Another thing, is the screen its connected to locked (does it need a log in to view?) Edit - another thing you could check is go to your Configuration Data and see if you can find the item id 775D5D91CBA4736B073C81D in the file. Regards
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
03/20/13 12:33 PM (11 years ago)
Looks like you have a SplashScreen that it cannot find: transitionToAppHomeScreen splash screen with itemId: 775D5D91CBA4736B073C81D Make sure the SplashScreen screen actually exists, and that it's been configured in the Layout section of your control panel. Mark
Lost but trying
Posts: 3
Reg: Sep 11, 2012
03/20/13 05:11 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks guys for your help. The error I get is probably from the Splash Screen function. I had a splash screen before but I removed it. Apparently there is a "ghost line" still in the code. I will make another attempt tomorrow :-)

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