Aspiring developer
Posts: 4
Reg: Jan 21, 2015
Wynnewood, PA
01/22/15 11:51 AM (9 years ago)

How complex can a BT app be?

Before I jump in with both feet, I'd like to learn about any examples of published iOS apps that have some complex math. I'm envisioning a financial or research analysis app or two. Also, can BT be used to generate a web app intended for use in a browser without going through the app stores? If not, can someone suggest a platform as easy as BT to develop an application for a browser? Thanks, Rod
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1528
Reg: Mar 04, 2011
01/22/15 12:13 PM (9 years ago)
Welcome Rod, When it comes to "complex math", its not so much the platform, but rather the language behind it that determines the capabilities. That being said, most languages should have all the necessary mathematical functions (specifically Obj-C for iOS, and JS for Android). I've used geometry, logarithms, anti-logarithms (exponents), etc in some of my apps, and never ran into a math formula that couldn't be scripted and solved. So the real answer is: a Buzztouch-created app can be as "complex" as needed, provided you are skilled enough to write the coded needed. (or farm that part out, if needed). The power of Buzztouch is in the Core (making app creations quick) and the plugins (giving your app functionality). If there isn't a plugin already created that does the "complex" stuff you need, that's when you need to create your own plugin. Hope that helps and makes sense.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 4
Reg: Jan 21, 2015
Wynnewood, PA
01/22/15 12:44 PM (9 years ago)
That certainly helps. Thanks. How about the ability to create a browser-based app using BT?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1528
Reg: Mar 04, 2011
01/22/15 01:33 PM (9 years ago)
Probably not the go-to choice for browser-based. I've never used BT for that.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 705
Reg: Jan 23, 2012
01/22/15 01:43 PM (9 years ago)
I have created some really cool app screens just using the custom_url plug in. If you can create mobile friendly sites than you can create some really cool app screens.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
01/23/15 12:50 AM (9 years ago)
Rod, Welcome to Buzztouch! I try and focus on 'location based' applications, and using mercator and other systems, the math can get complicated, but that might just be that I'm a math moron. Still, like Stobe says it's really up to you. Anything that can be done on a computer, can be done on a mobile phone. Anything that can be done on a mobile phone, can be done in Buzztouch. The trick is 'availablity'. There are a couple of folks that can custom make something for you if you're not capable yet, but that is all relative. If you want a web app, it can be done, but keep in mind Apple is pretty picky when it comes to app approval, and if you build something that is a collection of web pages, they may just balk at you. It's case by case. Still, once you figure out which direction you want to go into, let us know on the forums, and watch the help jump out of the wood work. Especially for interesting and new directions. Enjoy! If you get frustrated, take a breather; we all have to from time to time. Cheers! -- Smug
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
01/23/15 04:18 AM (9 years ago)
Hello and welcome to Buzztouch! The others have already said that you can make any kind of app with Buzztouch, so I am going to answer this question: >Also, can BT be used to generate a web app intended for use in a browser without going through the app stores? A web app resides somewhere on the web and is most probably written in PHP, or Ruby, or Java. With BT you can access such a page but using it will always be slower than you would like. It is also very probable that such a web app would not be optimized for smaller phone and tablet screens, so it would be hard to use. So I do not see this as the way to go. You could find it much easier to publish such an app on Android, but you did not ask about that platform. On Android you do not even need to have an app in the app store and you will still be able to distribute it from your own site. No such luck on the Apple side, I'm afraid! However, using Buzztouch is currently free so why not slap up the "app of your dreams" or at least a skeleton of it with Buzztouch? You will also learn the lingo and best practices for buzztouch platform so, if you later wanted to find a dedicated buzztouch developer to help you, you could.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 4
Reg: Jan 21, 2015
Wynnewood, PA
01/23/15 07:21 AM (9 years ago)
Thanks for all of your thoughtful responses. I'll dig in a bit more.

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