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Aspiring developer
Posts: 456
Reg: Feb 16, 2013
Green Bay,Wi
03/13/16 05:30 PM (8 years ago)

popup in house ads

Looking for ideas or the best way to display some in house ads. I would like to do a med size popup but do not see anything that would work. I have created a custom button page with the ad as the background image and a custom button to continue. Any thoughts. looking for cross platform Thanks
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
03/13/16 11:00 PM (8 years ago)
How will you run in house ads? AdMob offers that functionality, but you may opt to build your own. In that case, you will need back end, a database of what is going on with your ads, which ads to serve to whom and where and so on. >med size popup Do you mean an ad that covers only one half of the screen, centered in the middle? That, I think, is not readily available through the usual ad agencies such as AdMob, AirPush and the like. They offer either banners or interstitial ads, that cover the entire page. So you would have to build your own type of ads, if you want something that is not standard. >looking for cross platform I call it a "double" plugin, one that runs the same on both Android and iOS. That requires custom programming, no doubt about it. The appearance and the functionality may be (almost) the same across the platforms, but what goes on in the source code is quite a different story. Unless you want to get heavily involved in creating your own ads service, I suggest you try out first the in house ads using AdMob. The first hurdle there is creation of different types of ads that cover all available sizes, screen resolutions etc. This means creating up to ten or so variations of one and the same banner, for instance. In short, house ads are a lot of work in preparation phase. Once you have your ads ready, you can use them with your own in house service, if you elect to have it built later.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
03/14/16 05:01 AM (8 years ago)
What Dusko says goes double for me. :) I had thought about making a 'InterScreen', or intermediate screen, that would allow you to go from menu to destination screen via an 'intermediate' screen, which would have the ability to display instructions, advertisements, etc... As like most of my other ideas, I haven't moved an inch. But it wouldn't be that hard to do for either iOS or Android. Both would require components and methods that already exist in other BT plugins. All you'd really need to do is set an 'if' statement when the interscreen appears. "if" the 'previous' screen is the same as the menu screen, then show the advertisement, instructions, whatever. either time it, or have some kind of button for them to 'advance' to the final destination screen. Then, if they press the 'back' button, and it goes back to the interscreen, the same 'if' that checked if the previous screen was the menu will report 'no, it was not'. then just add (programmatically) a 'back tap' to move to the menu without having to view the advertisement/instructions again. You'd want to draw it out, but logically, most of the work has been done, it just needs to be 'rearranged' a bit to bend it to your will. of course, AdMob is probably easier, lol! Good Luck! Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 456
Reg: Feb 16, 2013
Green Bay,Wi
03/14/16 05:59 AM (8 years ago)
Thank you for the advise. I am going to look at all options. Right now I have it set up as a custom button menu but the background image is my ad. The background images comes from a url. To change the ad- i just change the web server with the same name. With the buttons on the screen i give the option to visit the ad or continue onto the site. Its not a popup but it may just work to give me easy ways to change the ad. Drawing it out within the app is kinda the hard part. Thanks again

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