Discussion Forums  >  Self Hosted Control Panels

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Lost but trying
Posts: 139
Reg: Jun 22, 2013
03/01/16 05:28 AM (8 years ago)

Push Notification Self Hosted and non

If the self hosted is going away, how would we setup push from non self hosted, is it possible? For android?
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
03/01/16 01:30 PM (8 years ago)
don't think self-hosted is going away any time soon. But if it does, the code for push notifications is publicly available - you would just need to implement it yourself on your server.
Lost but trying
Posts: 139
Reg: Jun 22, 2013
03/02/16 05:41 AM (8 years ago)
Do you know of any tutorials any links to do this, the easier the better, i am a beginner, or maybe if some one already did it. you say the self is not going anytime soon, but it's not even been updated you would still need to use eclipse for self or not?
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
03/02/16 01:54 PM (8 years ago)
>the self is not going anytime soon Once you have it, it is on your server so you can use to your heart's content. In time, you may not be having the latest version but what you get now from BT as a server download should hold water for a couple of years from now on. >it's not even been updated It is updated alright, you now have to use Android Studio, it's been like that for almost a year. BT and Android Studio work greatly together, BT is good enough on its own while Android Studio is getting updated like mad from Google. There will a new version 2.0 which will be awesome, and the current version 1.5.1 is very good too. No worries here. Forget Eclipse. Search forums for GoNorthWest's videos on YouTube and there will be a video about AS and BT. It's good now as it was good when it was published, a year ago.

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