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Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/11/16 04:17 PM (8 years ago)

Smug Climate - Updated to v1.3

Hafa Adai Everyone! I'm pleased to announce that the Smug Climate plugin has been updated. Many thanks to 'AlanMac' for serving as my slave/beta tester for the last couple of weeks. Notable improvements: 01) Now accommodates World Weather Online API v2, still supports API v1. 02) Now allows for different Languages. 03) iOS version supports Animated Gifs. (Eventually I'll whip Android into shape but for now, I'm still Android's btch) 04) Selectable Date Formats 05) Selectable US Standard or Metric "lead". 06) ...and much much more! (ok, ok... not that much more) The price has not changed. I'm giving up greed for lent. I'll get greedy after easter. Cheers! -- Smug I just gotta say, Mike Afford's animated weather gifs (http://www.mikeafford.com/store/product/weather-icon-set-realistic-animated-01.html) are really, really cool. They cost a little, but are well worth the $. If you decide to buy them, just drop them into your project like any other graphic, and set 'using animated gif' in the plugin control panel, and it's 'pre-coded' to accommodate the different style imagery.
I hate code!
Posts: 516
Reg: Dec 28, 2010
Montreux Switze...
02/12/16 12:25 PM (8 years ago)
Hi Smug, Great news but please check it out, there are tons of errors in SW_smug_climate_SectionArrayItem.h and there are files missing (SW_smug_climate.xib, UIImage+animatedGIF.h, swWeatherIcons folder). For the missing files I can manage it, but I'm lost with the .h file (you know me)... Cheers Jack
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/12/16 01:45 PM (8 years ago)
Jack, Thank you for pointing out those glaring errors. I am relieved to say that those responsible for such an egregious act have been sacked. You may carry on. ;) Cheers! -- Smug
I hate code!
Posts: 516
Reg: Dec 28, 2010
Montreux Switze...
02/12/16 02:29 PM (8 years ago)
I'll do!

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