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Code is Art
Posts: 40
Reg: Dec 31, 2012
12/05/15 10:38 AM (8 years ago)

Custom URL - Solved

I noticed recently that when loading a custom URL in my android app, the page doesn’t load, it will only load when I touch the screen or hit the refresh button. I compiled a recent version of my app but the behavior still persists. I also changed line 720 from “confirmRefreshAlert.show()” to “refreshAppData()” in BT_activity_host.java but again it didn’t make a difference. This behavior only started after installing android lollipop on my note 4. Any help would be appreciated.
Code is Art
Posts: 40
Reg: Dec 31, 2012
12/12/15 12:30 PM (8 years ago)
Ok I figured it out: Changing "android:hardwareAccelerated=" in the manifest from "false" to "true" fixed the problem.

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