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Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/01/15 10:05 PM (8 years ago)

Description of Use for the Smug Exam Builder plugin...

Hafa Adai Everyone! I've written a small tutorial on how to use the Smug Exam Builder plugin, located here: https://www.marianasgps.com/public/exambuilder_v1.pdf This document is also now included with the plugin package; be sure to download a 'self hosted copy' of the plugin so that you can get the document if you don't already have it. One thing everyone needs to know: This is NOT a quiz plugin. It merely prepares questions from other sources 'for' a quiz. You will still need either the Nad Advanced Quiz, or the BT Interactive Quiz plugin for it to be 'complete'. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, I am at your disposal. Sort of. Cheers! -- Smug

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