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Apple Fan
Posts: 33
Reg: Aug 20, 2012
11/23/15 07:46 PM (8 years ago)

Missing Plugin notice?

I am testing an ap in Xcode simulators and my iPhone. The ap is working very well.... except a error the pops up for a split second and then goes away (I had to video teh screen and replay in slow motion to read it. It says, " Missing plugin: The view controller for this plugin was not compiled in the Xcode project." Below that is a cartoon rendering of an iphone with a red circle/slash through it and smoke rising out of it. Anyone seen this before and/or know how to get rid of it? I dont know where the view xontroller could be missing as everything is working. I refreshed plugins and tried to clean and reload many times. Thank you for your help.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
11/23/15 10:31 PM (8 years ago)
Hello! So, the first question we always have to ask is whether you are sure the plugin is in the BT_Plugins folder, and whether that folder (and all the plugins) have been added to your Xcode project? If you added the plugin to your project after you initially imported the project into Xcode, it's possible you forgot to also bring in the new plugin. Also..which plugin doesn't seem to be working? Thanks! Mark

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