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Apple Fan
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Reg: Dec 27, 2011
02/14/12 07:44 PM (12 years ago)

Temporary Solutions For Android 1.5 & BT SERVER - Flickr & Quiz

Soo... I have found two decent solutions for Flickr Images & Quiz for Android 1.5. It will require that you have Wordpress hosted so that you can use the following Plugins. YOu can use the same blog and make it private via the search engines by denying access via robots.txt . Link to the page/post with the plugin requirements. For Images: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin/ --> I set it up using thumbnail images, 3 columns and the photoset that I wanted. The images are cached so that is good for limiting resources. You will need your Flickr app id and secret code. Add a link to the page that you set up in your wordpress blog and you are set. Sorry, I failed to mentioned it is best to use a Mobile Plugin for Wordpress. I personally like WPTOUCH its worth every penny and free as well. Next for the Quiz http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/mtouch-quiz/ Awesome plugin and it is made to work with mobile devices very smoothly. I'm impressed to say the least. It is free, however if you want a timer or other extras you will have to buy the premium version. You can add multiple quizzes, random questions/answers. Logical and non. Its awesome. Link to the page/post that you set up in your wordpress blog and you are set. I had been searching for something previously but never searched hard enough. Until Saturday I realized my app was copied in the Apple Appstore (was the only app for this particular niche), so creating it on Android will give me another advantage until the copy cats come back. Good luck with implementation.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
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Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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02/14/12 08:01 PM (12 years ago)
Next stop twitter. Fred
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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02/14/12 08:36 PM (12 years ago)
Do you have the flickr solution in an app you can post a link to? Fred
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
02/16/12 06:25 PM (12 years ago)
@Fred Why do you republish help articles and tutorials on your blog which is accessible here for a fee? Everyone pitches in and helps one another here in this awesome community. In many of your post you make reference to your wordpress BT U blog things that have been shared here. I find it to be quite wrong and for example this post you ask for a screenshot to republish in your blog privately. Not sure this is fair for everyone. For example, yesterday this great solution was added by this user and you posted in your blog: http://myskylla.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/android-screens-that-currently-dont-work-and-some-easy-work-arounds/ YOUR PAID PRIVATE CONTENT SECTION (FULL OF REPUBLISHED CONTENT FROM BUZZTOUCH) http://myskylla.wordpress.com/2012/01/23/myskylla-protected-content/ .. That is private for users unless they pay for access. Buzztouch is open source and the content on this site I believe should not be allowed to be packaged as paid elsewhere. BTUGWIKI is a great FREE source http://www.btugwiki.com/index.php/Main_Page and the mods at Buzztouchmods.com are as well. Ever since you started at BT, you have referenced your blog some mini solutions instead of direct forum post where the problem and solution initially began. Just a small rant, but I've seen it too often and have bitten my tongue long enough!
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
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02/16/12 07:03 PM (12 years ago)
@mysps, I think you protest to much. I've help and have posted more than most on this forum. If I wish to write a blog I'm free to do so. If I make it free (and it's mostly free) that't my decision that takes nothing away from the Forum. I have lots of content that is not on the forum and not about Buzztouch. If I choose to charge for some of my content that's my right. My Blog brings organization and structure to many things people find extremely difficult to find on the forum and some will never find. If I save them countless hours by writing my blog, have I taken anything away from the Forum. No! I've simply made it easier for some to use Buzztouch and I've saved them countless hours. Yesterday I went to a local meeting about Wordpress. Many people write and charge for their content about Wordpress. This has made Wordpress very successful. Many helpful persons (including myself) spend numerous hours in answering the same question repeately. Many of the answers back in Oct, Nov & Dec about Android were wrong and poorly understood. I've posted about some iOS issues that other were getting wrong and some still post incorrect info. In my Blog I attempt to document EVERYTHING. This takes time. Am I allowed to charge for my time. I can go into greater depth and use links in my blog which is not easily done on the Forum. In addition in the process of doing this I have advanced the knowledge base of actual solutions to various problems that many were giving various answers that may or may not work. If you look at the question of Move to SD card (one of many) I documented the question and posted it on the Forum but many will never see it on the Forum. I found the solution by a webpost that MacApple referred me to. I posted that the solution worked. I believe it was last month or this month, someone else posted how to do it. If my post was sufficient why did he not know about it. Why do most Buzztouch user not know about my post or the more recent one? I think you misunderstand that most Buzztouch users have the time to read everything posted and figure it out. The Forum is an excellent tool but it's not the only tool. Many solutions are in stackoverflow but many buzztouch users will never see it. Is it proper for a Forum user to post about Stackoverflow solutions? What about things Google posts about is it proper for Forum users to post about that in the Forum. Why don't you tell them to only post about Stackoverflow solutions in Stackoverflow. It's easily found on stackoverflow if (Now, that's a mighty Big IF) you know where to look. I believe that a new user can read my blog and be able to create apps much more quickly than by not doing so. I understand your point, but you should have sent me an email privately to see if there's a valid reason for my blog. You have demonstrated your lack of knowledge on various points. When you have contributed as much as I have and simplified the use of Buzztouch as I have then you would have the standing to discuss this on a better level. Until then you should consider withdrawing your pointless Rant because I among others have given much (and received More) than you have. If you wish to discuss this further my email is posted and you can do so without posting useless Rants that serve only to degrade the civility found on the Forum. There's an edit feature on this Forum, you should learn to use it. Fred
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
02/16/12 07:17 PM (12 years ago)
My points aren't useless nor I do I have time to write over 1,000 post like you have. I'm busy making iOS, Android, Blackberry and Kindle Fire apps. I post topics that I have time to help, share and solve. Please don't assume, you know my simplified use of Buzztouch I'll let the marketplace and stats speak for itself. I've made my point and that's it. I have respected everyone in this forum. However, I find that you also treat new users a bit cold. I remember responding to a post where the guy asked about a feature. You immediately responded to his first post search the forum.. The forum is fine, but its not so easy to search as the strings have to be perfectly defined. I responded to that post and clearly tried to help the new user with a starting point.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
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02/16/12 07:30 PM (12 years ago)
Some user will be well served by reading my blog. I'm not the Master of the Universe nor do I claim All Knowledge. If I believe the user will be serverd by reading my blog more than posting a specific solution that will only lead to a new problem because they are unaware of my blog, am I better serving them by giving a direct answer or by leading them to my blog. Obviously you know my view. Each person helps as they know. Myany do not know more that the elephants leg and think it's a tree. I attempt to show the entire elephant and then discuss the leg. I found myself repeating my answers endlessly which lead to my blog. By writing my blog I have developed a better understanding of creating apps and therefore will continue to do so because it works for me. And based on the feedback it works for many more. I wrote about where to put HTML docs and I point out that it's all in the Buzztouch documentation. Does that mean every one will read and understand said doucmentation prior to posting a Help Me? No, it it will probably continue to be a problem. I bring my solution to the table you bring yours. /Fred
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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02/16/12 07:38 PM (12 years ago)
Just now I recieved notice that someone had posted on a previous thread. They ask as question I didn't know the answer to but had been posted about previously. I let them know it had been posted about. GoNorthWest posted the answer (how many times it's been posted I don't know) and the solution worked. Did posting one more time by GoNorthWest resolve the problem for the next user. No, It did help that user. If I blog about it (It's an iOS issue re back button) I will resolve the issue for many. Which approah is better. In my opinion that not the correct question. The answer is you do your thing I do mine. To each his own. Fred
I hate code!
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Reg: May 09, 2012
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06/22/12 02:31 AM (12 years ago)
Does anyone know if the quiz will be fixed for android? The wordpress thing is a nice workaround, but I want them available offline.

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