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I hate code!
Posts: 5
Reg: Jan 26, 2012
Los Angeles
02/15/12 02:39 PM (12 years ago)

Overlapping text/GUI?

I uploaded my app to android/amazon and got this kicked back: [{The left and right arrows do not work. --> The app contains overlapping text/GUI.] How do I fix this? I am not an expert at Eclipse, can someone help me? Thanks.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 175
Reg: Oct 25, 2011
Bryan TX
02/15/12 04:20 PM (12 years ago)
I bet its your tabs and text. I am also willing to bet you are working in 1.5 vs BT Server. In 1.5 icons don't scale. So if they test on a low res device your tab names show up on top of icons. I think... and I say think that in 2.0 this is some how accounted for, as an app i am working on seems to not shrink the icons on my galaxy nexus, like my 1.5 app did. Solution? Might investigate how to remove labels from tabs.. Haven't done it myself but my first hack would be just enter a SPACE as in just a spacebar hit. This should prevent bt from autofilling it for you. Never tried it, so can' confirm if it will work. Best of luck. (if this is infact your problem).
I hate code!
Posts: 5
Reg: Jan 26, 2012
Los Angeles
02/15/12 04:37 PM (12 years ago)
thanks. I give that a try!

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