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Aspiring developer
Posts: 21
Reg: Feb 07, 2012
Burbank, CA
02/15/12 11:47 AM (12 years ago)

BT1.4 Call Us pre-defined number disappeared after re-compile Android / java.io.IOException

Hello, I re-downloaded my source code due to a new icon being used (I found out how to do with in Eclipse, wish I had found out earlier because I just nuked my project) Everything works fine except for 2 things. 1) I get an error in eclipse saying Error generating final archive: java.io.IOException: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect I'm not entirely sure what changed as I haven't moved or done any editing of my Keystores (since their creation) I'm also not entirely sure WHICH keystore is having an issue (Debug or Release Key) Any information would really help. 2) Regarding the In-App Call Us # not showing up. Mind you the error in Eclipse goes away, when I loaded the .apk to my android everything else is functioning correctly save for the pre-defined call us number that I specified in the Buzztouch cPanel. I've double checked my BT cPanel to ensure that there is indeed a Call # designated. Any information would really help.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 21
Reg: Feb 07, 2012
Burbank, CA
02/15/12 12:32 PM (12 years ago)
Okay, So it looks like I figured out the keystore issue. (which was debug key) I realized that I changed my Debug key's name and moved it. Did a quick system search and found all my debug.keystore files and went thru the list until it recognized my original. That leaves me with the In App Call Us #. I just noticed that my ASSETS folder is completely blank. My previous build had all BT_ folders inside, this one does not. Noticed this after my .APK file was significantly smaller than my original. Known issue / thoughts on this?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 21
Reg: Feb 07, 2012
Burbank, CA
02/15/12 12:55 PM (12 years ago)
Hmmm, I just re-downloaded my source code, followed the readme.txt, ran my emulator and got the following: www.tunefiendmusic.com/apps/development/emulator.png Running android, I know this isn't too much info to go on but anything would be greatly appreciated.

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