Discussion Forums  >  Config Data, JSON, App Refresh

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 9
Reg: Jun 13, 2013
06/15/13 11:48 AM (11 years ago)

app not refreshing even though config file is

Hi , I'm trying to change my background color to white from the earlier green that i had. I've changed it in BT and see the change in BT_config.txt online as well as in my xcode view, but the simulator still shows green. What might be happening, does the simulator have a cache that needs to be cleared? Here's the file i see in xcode showing the BACKGROUNDCOLOR as white, but when i run the simulator it still shows green: "BT_themes":[{"itemId":"32AAFE62FE2A53EA7099DFF", "itemType":"BT_theme", "itemNickname":"Doctors Hub", "splashScreenItemId":"30673EA7F475D35A1A2B736", "navBarBackgroundColor":"#0033FF", "navBarStyle":"solid", "statusBarStyle":"default", "backgroundColor":"#FFFFFF"} ], "BT_tabs":[ ], "BT_screens":[{"itemId":"F0303B463BBE6114D96CFB2", "itemType":"BT_screen_menuListSimple", "itemNickname":"Home Screen Menu", "navBarTitleText":"Welcome to Doctors Hub", "navBarBackgroundColor":"#0000CC", "navBarStyle":"solid", "listBackgroundColor":"#33FFCC", "listRowBackgroundColor":"#336633", "listTitleFontColor":"#FFFFFF", "listStyle":"round", "preventAllScrolling":"0", "listRowSelectionStyle":"gray", "listRowSeparatorColor":"#333300", "backgroundColor":"#ffffff", "backgroundImageScale":"center", ------------------------------------ So now , what else can i try?
Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
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Reg: May 13, 2011
location unknow...
06/15/13 01:50 PM (11 years ago)
Hello and Welcome to Buzztouch! Have you clicked the refresh button in the simulator? The refresh button is in the upper left hand corner of the home screen (or first screen that loads when you build the app) Sometimes, even if you build an app to the simulator, the simulator has a cache of the old data and clicking the "Refresh Button" will delete the cache and load the new configuration data. I hope this helps, Jake
Code is Art
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Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
06/15/13 08:23 PM (11 years ago)
Did you click 'publish changes' on the control panel?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 290
Reg: May 14, 2011
06/16/13 01:15 AM (11 years ago)
Did you "clear" and "build" in Xcode. Sometimes is better restart the xcode. Chris, the "publish option" is available in ver 1.5 BT? Thanks!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 9
Reg: Jun 13, 2013
06/16/13 02:13 AM (11 years ago)
so i have tried all the above without luck. I had already done the refresh before and relaunched the simulator also. But here's what i got for the others: @guisante i tried clear and then build for running and build for testing, is that what you meant ? I also restarted xcode. Still the same. In fact my BT_images reference file does not contain the graphic for the opening splash page, and the application is still showing it, so i don't know where it's getting the data from (although the image is still in the download folder) @chris1 I did publish changes . no luck, although i noticed that the version is 1.0. When i started the app it didn't give me a choice of versions. Could that be it? Anyway i published changes for v1.0 and still no luck. Any other suggestions? I'm not a programmer and I'm new to buzztouch so i could be doing something really dumb, but i don't understand that if my config file is showing the code , how come the simulator isn't ?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 9
Reg: Jun 13, 2013
06/16/13 03:34 AM (11 years ago)
so i have tried all the above without luck. I had already done the refresh before and relaunched the simulator also. But here's what i got for the others: @guisante i tried clear and then build for running and build for testing, is that what you meant ? I also restarted xcode. Still the same. In fact my BT_images reference file does not contain the graphic for the opening splash page, and the application is still showing it, so i don't know where it's getting the data from (although the image is still in the download folder) @chris1 I did publish changes . no luck, although i noticed that the version is 1.0. When i started the app it didn't give me a choice of versions. Could that be it? Anyway i published changes for v1.0 and still no luck. Any other suggestions? I'm not a programmer and I'm new to buzztouch so i could be doing something really dumb, but i don't understand that if my config file is showing the code , how come the simulator isn't ?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 9
Reg: Jun 13, 2013
06/16/13 03:36 AM (11 years ago)
so there is one more thing i see in the output code, which i don't know if it is relevant. BT_fileManager: deleting: appModified.txt 2013-06-16 16:01:52.422 doctorshub[4351:1fd03] BT_fileManager: NOT deleting (persisted): cachedAppConfig.txt What is the "cachedappConfig text and if it's not deleted, could this be causeing the problem. i'm using bt v1.0 . mac os 10.7.5 and xcode v. 4.6.3 in case any of this is relevant.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 9
Reg: Jun 13, 2013
06/16/13 11:24 PM (11 years ago)
another clue to what might be going on : In my downloaded code I changed the name of an image from x.png to y.png (another image), I do the same for the file reference in xcode. I "clear", I "build" I "run" and the iphone simulator still shows the "x.png" as the background image. Clearly my file is not getting updated.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 9
Reg: Jun 13, 2013
06/16/13 11:29 PM (11 years ago)
Is the compiled program going back to the BT server at any point, and is there a cache there that needs to be cleaned? Sorry for the string of messages: different stuff keeps occurring to me and I'm hoping one of you will be like "oh yeah! that happened to me once."
Aspiring developer
Posts: 9
Reg: Jun 13, 2013
06/20/13 11:37 AM (11 years ago)
found my mistake!! so all the background colors in the theme and pages were fine, but since it was a menu page and the listBackgroundColor was set to a different value, the screen background had the listbackgroundcolor.

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