Discussion Forums  >  Config Data, JSON, App Refresh

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Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
06/10/13 05:43 PM (11 years ago)

android database question

I wanted to create a quiz with about 100 questions.would the quiz plugin be able to handle all of that data efficiently or would an sqlite database be an better approach?
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
06/10/13 05:44 PM (11 years ago)
I would give it a try first before trying to create something new. I can't imagine 100 questions would be problematic.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
06/10/13 06:41 PM (11 years ago)
I helped out Caz with his quizzes; he must have had about 700 questions in JSON files, about 100 or so at the time. They worked without a stutter. I am working on an FCC Qualification app that has about 1800 questions that I completely plan on using from a JSON text file. So far, tests have been quite satisfactory. The biggest test uses 100 questions randomly selected from a pool of 700. Bottom line: No problem. (But if you do get into SQLite, let me know how it goes; I'll be moving over to creating the same app I'm working on in iOS in Android in another month or so... This app uses SQLite for a database of Map tiles.) Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
06/10/13 07:26 PM (11 years ago)
The reality is, iOS and Android both handle strings really really well. It can loop through hundreds and hundreds with little effort. And that's all that you're dealing with when you use the standard control panel method of populating a quiz plugin.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
06/11/13 08:11 AM (11 years ago)
Cool, thank yall.im going to through the quiz plugin.ill do it in sqlite out of curiosity also

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