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Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
10/20/15 01:44 AM (8 years ago)

Calendar Events problem

I have problem with Calendar Events plugin in iOS: - I renamed setup.txt to setup.php on server - I got Google API Key, but cannot find where is "If you're unsure about the "referers" property, set it to "Any referer allowed". Where can I find it? - I entered Google calendar key (long email), and made it Public. That seems to be all or am I missing something, because error on my iPhone says: "There was a problem downloading some data. check your internet connection." ?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 564
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Mildura, Austra...
10/21/15 03:48 AM (8 years ago)
I found that you can't use the example supplied (go and find or make an active, public google calendar) and try that. However, it seems like you've got that covered. If you can figure out the URL from your server, you can try that and see if it is a google api error or something else. It will give an error if it's not setup properly. I used a server key (https://spunmonkey.design/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Screen-Shot-2014-11-27-at-2.32.14-PM.png) And then a left the "Accept requests from these server IP addresses" blank. Also check that when you ran setup.php that it downloaded all the google libraries etc. Let us know how you go! Cheers Darrel
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
10/21/15 04:33 AM (8 years ago)
- I have my own calendar and my own API - I also tried with server key, result is the same - I don't know what you mean by: "If you can figure out the URL from your server, you can try that and see if it is a google api error or something else." - and also don't know what you mean by: "Also check that when you ran setup.php that it downloaded all the google libraries etc."
Aspiring developer
Posts: 564
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Mildura, Austra...
10/22/15 03:14 AM (8 years ago)
Howdy, When you setup the plugin and run the setup.php file, it goes out on to the internet and downloads the necessary libraries to interact with the calendar api. You need to make sure that stuff has been downloaded. There will be additional files to the original plugin download in the plugins directory. As far as the api URL goes, you are basically running the script to query google's calendar server. It will return the results or an error code of some description eg 403. Check your error log located at http://youdomain.com/your-buzztouch-install-directory/files/plugins/CR_eventList/files/error_log You should see something like this if there is an error.... https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/en.australian/events?singleEvents=true&orderBy=startTime&timeMin=2015-09-16T21%3A28%3A10-05%3A00&key=your-api-key-will-appear-here: (403) There is a per-IP or per-Referer restriction configured on your API key and the request does not match these restrictions. Please use the Google Developers Console to update your API key configuration if request from this IP or referer should be allowed.' You can use this url in a browser to double-check if your config is ok. Cheers Darrel
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
10/22/15 03:37 AM (8 years ago)
Thanks, it works now.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 564
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Mildura, Austra...
10/22/15 01:16 PM (8 years ago)
Awesome! Great to here :)

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