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Aspiring developer
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Reg: Apr 09, 2012
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10/06/15 08:58 AM (8 years ago)

Add to Favorites: Limit the screens on which the action is displayed.

I love, love, love Kittsy's Add to Favourites. Easy to implement and does what it should. I have it installed in an app on the Ultimate Screen Creator screen. It works like a charm. My issue is this - I'm using many USC screens thought the app and I don't want the AtF function to appear on some of them (a small minority, maybe five or six). So, how does one go about the limiting the screens (of the same plugin type) that the AtF functionality appears on (i.e. the action in the nav bar that adds this particular screen to the favourite list). My thinking goes I have might have three options: 1. Remove from certain screens: Some syste-magical code in the AtF folder that defines which screens the functionality SHOULD NOT appear one (this seems to be the most sensible). 2. Hide on certain screens though nav bar implementation? I've define some screens in the delegate that nav bar icons SHOULD NOT appear on (less favourable as this may remove all functionality from the nav bar, like refresh, back etc.) 3. Duplicate the USC Plugin (with some different name) and use this (without the AtF action) in place of the screens I don't want the action on? (Oh man, I don't want to do this!). If anyone has any experience in this, feel free to pipe up! Thanks in advance!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 841
Reg: Nov 03, 2010
Medford, MA
10/08/15 01:53 PM (8 years ago)
Option #1 sounds possible but is above my pay grade, so I'd choose door #3 myself. Not very helpful, I know. Josh

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