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Lost but trying
Posts: 63
Reg: Jan 13, 2014
Pretoria, Gaute...
09/15/15 04:40 AM (9 years ago)

BT having problems?

I am experiencing problems again, "File not downloaded yet". App was running this morning but it is down again. Is it my fault? Weidies
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
09/15/15 05:03 AM (9 years ago)
Hey there... Doubtful that it's "your fault." Naturally lots of things could be breaking what you're seeing. If you've seen the other posts about the SSL issues, and still have problems I'll assume it's the same as a few others on the previous post. Seems we've "figured out" the SSL issue on our end but some running iOS 9 (beta release, not public yet) are seeing some weird things. Have a look at the post regarding all the issues, see my response. Try the usual delete, re-install ideas. If none of that works re-post and make sure you're seeing the same thing as the others. Which was "there was a problem downloading some required data" You mentioned "File not downloaded yet" which seems slightly different and generally related to a FILE (like a pdf or a word doc or something) and NOT a Core dataURL issue. Guessing here.
Lost but trying
Posts: 63
Reg: Jan 13, 2014
Pretoria, Gaute...
09/15/15 01:24 PM (9 years ago)
Thank you, David, my fault. Time was not on my side this weekend, and then the apps starts to drop. I had to re-install all my old devices and now they are working again. We installed a new radius router with 72 access points and one of them were incorrectly configured, so no Wi-fi. Thank you for all the hard work and time you and the BT team puts in. It is wonderful to see things just happen. Thanks again. Weidies

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