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Code is Art
Posts: 65
Reg: Sep 09, 2011
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09/01/15 08:28 AM (8 years ago)

Push Notifications

I have followed the tutorial and have uploaded the two certificates needed but push notifications still aren't working. What do I do?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
09/02/15 01:54 AM (8 years ago)
I have managed to get push working on both platforms from self hosting, what platform are you having issues with.these are what i used android <a href="http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=56643342D49BA08BDEEB1EF" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=56643342D49BA08BDEEB1EF</a> apple <a href="https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?fid=6B929DD9BEA427FE2EB276E&tid=6B929DD9BEA427FE2EB276E" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?fid=6B929DD9BEA427FE2EB276E&tid=6B929DD9BEA427FE2EB276E</a> It will take bit of searching and testing , but it does work, also dont forget with apple devices, you wont be able to see the push/production until its released in the store, ie your push wont work until its in the store

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